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Подготовка к ЕГЭ на 100 баллов. Русский язык.  


М.: Новая школа; Тригон, 2008.

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Категория: Русский|Russian | Просмотров: 2114 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Сербско-хорватский язык Попова Т.П. учебник


Год выпуска: 1986
Автор: Попова Т.П.
Жанр: учебник для филологов
Издательство: "Высшая школа" Москва
Формат: DjVu
Качество: Отсканированные страницы
Количество страниц: 272
Описание: Учебник содержит систематический курс грамматики, проверочные задания и тексты для чтения. Цель учебника - углубить теоретические познания студентов-русистов и подготовить их к слушанию курса сравнительной граммат ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Хорватский|Croatian | Просмотров: 2526 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Parlons Luo (Dholuo): Langue du Kenya - A Nilotic Language
Author: Neddy Odhiambo, Michel Malherbe
Publisher: L'Harmattan
Publication date: 2009-02-06
ISBN: 2296079458
Number of pages: 184

Format / Quality: pdf-zipped
Size: 13,5MB
Le luo, de la famille des langues nilotiques, est l'une des trois langues les plus importantes du Kenya.
Il est parlé dans la région du lac Victoria ainsi qu'en Tanzanie dans la région de Mara (nord-ouest de la Tanzanie) limitrophe du Kenya. Le nombre de ses locuteurs au Kenya dépasse largement les trois millions. C'est la langue du père du président des Etats-Unis, Barack Obama. Comme dans les autres ouvrages de la collection, le lecteur pourra trouver une description de la langue, des éléments de conversation courante, de nombreuses informations de nature culturelle ainsi que deux le ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Африканский|African | Просмотров: 2513 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction
Author: Antonio Loprieno
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication date: 1995
ISBN: 0-521-44384-9
Number of pages: 322

Format / Quality: PDF/Medium
Size: 16MB

This book is neither a grammar of Ancient Egyptian for Egyptologists nor a handbook for the study of hieroglyphs. Rather, it has been written aiming at the needs of a multiplicity of audiences. To use a fashionable word, I wanted to address the interdisciplinary interests of linguists and Egyptologists. In order to achieve this result, I had to resort to sometimes quite diverse methodological frames and scholarly conventions, which have been and are at best indifferent to each other, and at times even in overt conflict. On the one hand, the main goal of the book is to provide the linguistic audience with an introduct ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 2041 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

ENGLISH for CHILDREN №01, 1994 г. (Английский для детей)
Издатель: ТОО "Экслибрис", МГУ, Москва,
Дата издания: 1994 г.
Количество страниц: 8

Формат / качество: rar-->PDF(+5%)
Размер: 1,1Mb

Газета, для изучающих английский язык.
Песни, стихи, сказки, учебные материалы.


Без пароля
Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 1902 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Журнал "Вордскем кыл" за 2008 г.
Publication date: 2008
Format / Quality: pdf / Отличное
Size: 31,8 Мбайт

"Вордскем кыл" - журнал министерства народного образования Удмуртии, посвящённый вопросам преподавания удмуртского языка в школах.


Password: uztranslations

Remarks: Представлены все номера журнала за 2008 г., за исключением четвёртого

Категория: Удмуртский|Udmurt | Просмотров: 2605 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Краткая грамматика хеттского языка
Author: И. Фридрих
Publisher: Издательство иностранной литературы
Publication date: 1952
Number of pages: 200

Format / Quality: PDF/Low
Size: 9.3MB
Труд видного немецкого хеттолога Иоганнеса Фридриха представляет собой описательную грамматику хеттского языка. В нем дается детальное описание грамматического строя хеттского языка в том виде, в каком он засвидетельствован письменными памятниками II тысячелетия до н. э. `Грамматика хеттского языка` И. Фридриха, составленная на основе богатого фактического материала, явится полезным пособием для изучающих хеттский язык, историю древнего Востока, а также для языковедов, интересующихся вопросамисравнительной грамматики индоевропейских языков, разработка которых в настоящее время немыслима без учета хеттских материалов.

Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 2182 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Italo-Celtic Origins and Prehistoric Development of the Irish Language
Author: Frederik Kortlandt
Publisher: Editions Rodopi BV
Publication date: 2007
ISBN: 9-042-02177-2
Number of pages: 226
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 1.1MB
This volume offers a discussion of the phonological and morphological development of Old Irish and its Indo-European origins. The emphasis is on the relative chronology of sound changes and on the development of the verbal system. Special attention is devoted to the origin of absolute and relative verb forms, to the rise of the mutations, to the role of thematic and athematic inflexion types in the formation of present classes, preterits, subjunctives and futures, and to the development of deponents and passive forms. Other topics include infixed and suffixed pronouns, palatalization of consonants and labia ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 2197 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

CDエクスプレスペルシア語 (the book only)
Author: 藤元優子著
Publisher: 白水社
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 4-560-00596-6
Number of pages: 172
Language: Japanese
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 2.8MB

No Password
Категория: Японский|Japanese | Просмотров: 2160 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Templari in Italia
Formato: DVD
Durata: 50 min
Qualita: buono
Dimensione: 3,24 GiB
Una città interamente costruita per proteggere un tesoro, un segreto più importante del Papato, antiche conoscenze da tramandare agli iniziati: cosa facevano i Templari in Italia? Cosa lega i Cavalieri del Tempio a Papa Celestino V? Perché la città di L’Aquila ha delle incredibili coincidenze con Gerusalemme? A queste domande cerca di dare risposta Roberto Giacobbo, raccontando l’affascinante teoria secondo la quale, una parte del tesoro del mitico Tempio di re Salomone, sarebbe stato in passato - o forse è ancora nascosto - in una stanza segreta della Basilica di Collemaggio.

... Читать дальше »

Категория: Итальянский|Italian | Просмотров: 2250 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Assimil novi nemački bez muke
Author: Hilde Šnajder
Publisher: Nolit, Beograd
Publication date: 1999
ISBN: 86-7354-144-1
Number of pages: 416
Format / Quality: PDF/Readable (not OCRed) + Audio (MP3)
Size: 134.3 MB
Uz pomoć 100 lekcija ove metode, u mogućnosti ste da se za nekoliko meseci izražavate na nemačkom jeziku. Već više od 70 godina ASSIMIL predlaže svoj jedinstven princip Intuitivnog usvajanja. U vašim rukama su dakle svi aduti da u najboljim uslovima dovedete vaše učenje sa puno uspeha do kraja. Bez nepotrebnih sitnica, na osnovu pola sata svakodnevnog izučavanja, naučićete nemački kao što ste naučili da pričate svoj maternji jezik kao dete: svakodnevnim kontaktom sa jezikom, rečnikom i gramatikom koji se postepeno uvod ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Немецкий|German | Просмотров: 2592 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Assimil novi engleski bez muke
Author: Anthony Bulger
Publisher: Nolit, Beograd
Publication date: 1999
ISBN: 86-7354-142-5
Number of pages: 578
Format / Quality: PDF/Readable (not OCRed) + Audio (MP3)
Size: 119 MB
Uz pomoć 100 lekcija ove metode, u mogućnosti ste da se za nekoliko meseci izražavate na nemačkom jeziku. Već više od 70 godina ASSIMIL predlaže svoj jedinstven princip Intuitivnog usvajanja. U vašim rukama su dakle svi aduti da u najboljim uslovima dovedete vaše učenje sa puno uspeha do kraja. Bez nepotrebnih sitnica, na osnovu pola sata svakodnevnog izučavanja, naučićete nemački kao što ste naučili da pričate svoj maternji jezik kao dete: svakodnevnim kontaktom sa jezikom, rečnikom i gramatikom koji se postepeno uvode, be ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 2130 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


A comprehensive Study of Egyptian Arabic
Authors: Ernest T. Abdel-Massih and A. Fathy Bahig
Year: 1978
Volumes: I-IV
A Comprehensive Study of Egyptian Arabic - Volume I by Ernest T. Abdel-Massih and A. Fathy Bahig, in association with El-Said M. Badawi and Carolyn G. Killean. 1978. 454 pages. ISBN: 0-932098-11-8. $35.00. Conversations, Cultural Texts, Sociolinguistic Notes. Designed for intermediate-advanced students. Part One consists of conversations in phonetic transcription and Arabic script (with translations), "texts" discussing one or more important ideas of each conversation and comprehensive sociolinguistic notes. Part Two includes 50 "Cultural Texts" discussing cultural points which are not dealt with in Part One. Part Three is an Appendix of useful information ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Арабский|Arabic | Просмотров: 2436 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Grammar of Yessan-Mayo
Author: Velma Foreman
Publisher: SIL - Pacific Asian Series
Publication date: 1974
ISBN: xxxxxxxx
Number of pages: 297

Format / Quality: pdf-zipped
Size: 2,22MB
A Language of Papua New Guinea

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1870 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Diccionario básico para estudiantes de euskara - Euskara-Español - Español-Euskara
Author: HABE
Publisher: HABE
Publication date: 2002
Number of pages: 132

Format / Quality: PDF - Excellent
Size: 0.56 Mb
Title says it all.

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Испанский|Spanish | Просмотров: 2147 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Magnifica Italia - Toscana
Formato: DVD
Durata: 50 min
Qualita: buono
Dimensione: 4,01 GiB
Una regione sospesa tra storia e natura, orgogliosa del suo passato e custode di un immenso patrimonio storico, artistico e culturale. Il paesaggio lascia senza fiato, con dolci colline che compongono una sapiente tavolozza di colori.

... Читать дальше »

Категория: Итальянский|Italian | Просмотров: 2318 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Assimil novi španski bez muke
Author: Fransisko Havijer
Publisher: Nolit, Beograd
Publication date: 1999
ISBN: 0828843252
Number of pages: 477
Format / Quality: PDF/Readable (not OCRed) + MP3
Size: 157 MB
Više od 400 miliona ljudi na svetu govori španski, odnosno kastiljanski jezik. Zašto ne biste i Vi? Sa ovom metodom ćete uz poseban ritam biti u mogućnosti da naučite da razgovarate na španskom jeziku. Kako da naučite španski sa metodom Novi španski bez muke? Preporučujemo vam da učite na sledeći način:
● Slušajte CD, a zatim naglas pročitajte svaku rečenicu. Pratite i izgovor ispod teksta. Izgovor je tu samo da bi Vam pomogao da počnete sa učenjem!
● Isto postupajte i sa vežbanjima.
● Zatim radite vežbe sa „prazninama" ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Испанский|Spanish | Просмотров: 2462 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Basque grammar sketch
Author: Gorka Aulestia
Publisher: Unversity of Nevada Press
Publication date: 1989
Number of pages: 83
Format / Quality: PDF/Excellent
Size: 2.3 MB
Grammar sketch of Basque taken from Aulestia's Basque-English dictionary. Contains very useful verbal conjugation tables at the end.

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1999 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Исследование по старотюркскому синтаксису
Author: Абдурахманов Г.А.
Publisher: М.,"Наука"
Publication date: 1967
Number of pages: 213
Format / Quality: Pdf
Size: 16,3 Mb



Password: turklib
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1902 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Arabic Coins and How to Read Them
Author: Richard J.Plant
Publisher: London.,Seaby
Publication date: 1980
ISBN: 0900652527
Number of pages: 151
Format / Quality: Pdf
Size: 17,5 Mb
Richard Plant is obviously no stranger to education. He starts with a basic chapter on numerals and dating and takes the reader through the world of Arabic coins step by step with easy to digest chapters, each concluded by a test that allows you to practice what you know (answers are in the back of the book). By using line drawings, he avoids distractions by imperfections on coins. The book is neither an Arabic language guide, nor a coin catalogue, but rather an instrument specially designed for the numismatically inclined, w ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Арабский|Arabic | Просмотров: 2636 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

The Phonology of Verbal Derivation in Bemba
Author: Nancy Chongo Kula
Publisher: Published by LOT
Publication date: 2002
ISBN: 90-76864-26-8
Number of pages: 221

Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 1,28MB
A phonological analysis of verbal derivation in Cibemba, a language of Zambia

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Африканский|African | Просмотров: 2309 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

A Grammar of the Pukhto, Pushto or Language of the Afghans
Author: H.G. Raverty
Publisher: Williams and Norgate
Publication date: 1857
Number of pages: 268
Format / Quality: djvu
Size: 10 MB
If you are interested in Afghanistan, you will have encountered Major Raverty, in part because his dictionary has not been superseded in English (I think it's available on this site).

For some reason, it seems that the grammar has not been posted here. In recent years, it's been reprinted a lot (I wonder why?), but in bastardized editions, without the copious poetry examples which illustrate the grammatical points.

The man on the image is not Raverty, but rather Khushal Khan Khattak, a poet and warrior especially revered by Pashtuns. Maybe I will post his poetry as well in days to come.

Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 2046 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Grammar of Humburi Senni with Dictionary
Author: Jeff Heath
Publication date: 2007
Number of pages: Grammar 444 + Dictionary 220

Format / Quality: pdf-zipped
Size: 7,96MB
author’s note:
Humburi Senni is the Songhay (soNoy, sonrai) language spoken around
Hombori, between Gao and Mopti in Mali.
This version is very lumpy, and not just because page breaks and
realignment of examples has yet to be done. I recently made important changes
in the analysis of tones, and in the notation for the same, and have so far
incorporated these changes chiefly in the tonology section of the phonology
chapter and in parts of the nominal morphology chapter. So there are many
inconsistencies, and I must insist that nothing be quoted without my permission
(during my lifetime). I hope to greatly improve the manu ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Африканский|African | Просмотров: 2271 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Poemes mystiques (Bilingual)
Author: Hussain Mansur al-Hallaj
Publisher: sindbad
Number of pages: 93
Format / Quality: pdf
Size: 1.5 MB
There is probably no thinker within Islam who is as controversial as Mansur al-Hallaj.

Accused of heresy, he died a horrible death in 922. After his death, he became revered and elevated by many Sufi brotherhoods. His name occurs in countless poems in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Ottoman, and so on.

In western Europe, the scholar associated with his name is Louis Massignon. He wrote three massive volumes about al-Hallaj which are a great read, but not unproblematic.

Whether you like al-Hallaj or not, you simply must know about him if you are interested in Islamic cultureS (plural emphasized!), especially literature or Sufism.

Here is a short selection of his poetry i ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Арабский|Arabic | Просмотров: 2386 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

The Circum-Baltic Languages - Typology and Contact
Author: Dahl and Koptjevskaja-Tamm (eds.)
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Publication date: 2001
Number of pages: 406

Format / Quality: PDF - Excellent
Size: 1.81 Mb
The first of the two volumes — Circum-Baltic Languages: Volume 1 — Past and Present—surveys important sub-groups in the present-day Circum-Baltic languages,
placing them in their geographical, historical and societal setting and discussing specific contact situations.

The second volume — Circum-Baltic Languages: Volume 2—Grammar and typology—focuses on grammatical phenomena in the Circum-Baltic languages, relating them to the larger typological perspective. Each of the volumes contains three sections.

Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1932 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Mehri Texts from Oman
Author: H. Stroomer, T.M.Johnstone
Publisher: Harrassow.
Publication date: 1999
Number of pages: ca. 300
Format / Quality: pdf
Size: 12 MB
After the Harsusi, here is the collection of Mehri texts based on T.M. Johnstone's field work.

Mehri is a Southern Arabian language with some 140,000 speakers in Yemen, Oman and the Gulf. It is better documented than other Southern Arabian languages. Unfortunately, I don't have a dictionary.

Be warned that the quality of the pdf is very mediocre. It was only intended as a working text for me and my students.

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Арабский|Arabic | Просмотров: 2285 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Die Mehri- und Soqotri-Sprache (Suedarabische Expedition, Band IV)
Author: D.H. Mueller
Publisher: Vienna
Publication date: 1902
Number of pages: 248
Format / Quality: pdf
Size: 6 MB
Here is a volume from the famous (well, among specialists) south Arabian expedition of the late 19th c. which resulted in several language and folklore studies.

This volume contains Mehri and Soqotri texts with German and sometimes Arabic translations as well, so it's often quadrilingual, which is really delightful.

I have other volumes from this series, but unfortunately not the one which specifically focuses on Soqotri texts (that would be volume VI) and I would very much appreciate if someone posted that one.

Don't blame me for the Biblical texts at the start of the book, I'm not a missionary for any religion. ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Арабский|Arabic | Просмотров: 2397 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Swahili Tales, As Told by the Natives of Zanzibar
Author: E. Steere
Publisher: London
Publication date: 1870
Number of pages: 524
Format / Quality: djvu
Size: 12 MB
I bought this one several years ago and then I found it online, as tends to happen often with 19th c. reprints.

I enjoy it primarily because it is bilingual. However, my enthusiasm for it was dampened when a Kenyan friend told me it was riddled with mistakes.

As my Swahili abilities are rather middling, I'm curious whether that is true, or whether some of the "mistakes" are merely Zanzibari variety.

You're welcome to comment!

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Африканский|African | Просмотров: 2222 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Uebersetzungen persischer Poesie (Zweisprachig)
Author: F. Rueckert
Publisher: Harrassowitz
Publication date: various
Number of pages: 70
Format / Quality: pdf
Size: 8 MB
Here is a lovely little book of Persian poetry!

Friedrich Rueckert was a German scholar who worked with some 40 languages. He was also a poet, and his translations from Persian specifically rank among the best in German. The only person to surpass him in that respect was Annemarie Schimmel, who greatly admired him and wrote the foreword for this edition.

In German and Persian. The Persian is just standard naskh, when a nicer font or calligraphy would have been more appropriate.

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1894 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Teach Yourself Hausa - A Complete Course for Beginners
Author: Jean Kraft
Publisher: NTC Publishing Group
Publication date: 1973
ISBN: 9780844237916
Number of pages: 394
Format / Quality: PDF- zipped
Size: 21894 KB+12061 KB+13262 KB
This book provides a complete working course in Hausa, one of the most important languages of West Africa. This course in Hausa introduces the grammar in a series of graded lessons, complete with test sentences, dialogue exercises, typical conversation pieces, and some traditional fables and proverbs. Throughout the course, special attention is given to the problems of pronunciation. Easy-reference grammar tables and an extensive two-way vocabulary are also included.

Категория: Африканский|African | Просмотров: 2252 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Three works by and about Yehudah ha-Levi
Author: Yehudah ha-Levi and editors
Publication date: various
Number of pages: various
Format / Quality: djvu
Size: 11 MB
Yehudah ha-Levi (aka Judah Halevi, died ca. 1140) is regarded as the best poet who wrote in medieval Hebrew. Some of his poems even entered liturgy.

Here is a set which I prepared quickly, others are welcome to add or improve upon it.

*A collection of his poems in Hebrew, edited by A.A. Garkavi and published in Warsaw in 1893. The djvu has to be read from the end, so go to page 516 and work backwards.

*A translation of some of his poems into German, entitled Divan des Castiliers Abu 'l-Hasan Juda ha-Levi. Quality of this djvu is poor, but I simply had to include it.

*A study of his life and work in Yiddish, published when he was still ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Иврит|Hebrew | Просмотров: 1926 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

The Northern Russian pragmatic particle dak in the dialect of Varzuga (Kola Peninsula)
Author: Margje Post
Publisher: Universitetet i Tromsø
Publication date: 2005
Number of pages: 591

Format / Quality: PDF - Excellent
Size: 4.96 Mb
This dissertation consists of two parts. Part I contains a description of the dialect spoken by the oldest inhabitants of the village of Varzuga, a traditional Russian dialect spoken on the Kola Peninsula, which lacks a good description and is rapidly changing, losing most of its dialectal characteristics. The description
describes to phenomena which are usually neglected, because they are specific for spontaneous speech, such as prosody above the word and discourse structure.

Part II of this dissertation contains a description of a uniquely Northern Russian phenomenon – th ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Русский|Russian | Просмотров: 1891 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Boya Chinese: Elementary Starter I
Author: Li Xiaoqi
Publisher: Peking University Press
Publication date: 2004
Format / Quality: rar -> Mp3 / pdf
Boya Chinese is compiled by a group of experienced teachers who teach Chinese as second language. It is divided into four levels: elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced. There are altogether 9 books in the set which suits the four-year college study or any short-term and long-term classes. The elementary level is in two volumes of 50 lessons for beginners and covers about 1,000 words. Finishing it will ensure the students to reach level 3 of HSK.

The pre-intermediate level comprises two volumes. It suits students with 1,000-3000 vocabulary. It focuses on trainings of depiction, ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Китайский|Chinesei | Просмотров: 2494 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Oosterlingen, Verklarende Lijst der Nederlandsche Woorden die uit Arabisch...
Author: R. Dozy
Publication date: 1867
Number of pages: 199
Format / Quality: pdf
Size: 3 MB
...Hebreeuwsch, Chaldeeuwsch, Perzisch en Turksch afkomstig zijn.

The title is self-explanatory for Dutch readers. Let's add that the author of this list of words which entered the Dutch language from Arabic, Hebrew, "Chaldean" (Aramaic), Persian and Turkish was a famous Arabist.

If memory serves me correctly, you can find one edition of R.Dozy's important supplemental Arabic dictionary on this site (it's an Iraqi edition, so it's Arabic to Arabic).

His other works include a list of Arabic words in Spanish and Portuguese, a dictionary of clothing items in Arabic, and a lot of research on medieval Spain.

Категория: Голландский|Dutch | Просмотров: 2267 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Eklogai apo ta tragoudhia tou ellinikou laou
Author: N. Politis (Polites)
Publisher: various
Publication date: various
Number of pages: 338

Format / Quality: pdf
Size: 10 MB

Here is a time-honored anthology of Greek folk songs, starting with the late medieval period.

The introduction is written by someone even more famous than the anthology itself. Want a hint? Alexandria, Egypt ca. 1914 should suffice.

The quality of the scan is mediocre, but it should not interfere with the pleasure of reading.

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Греческий|Greek | Просмотров: 2138 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

The Student's Marathi Grammar
Author: G. R. Navalkar
Publisher: Bombay
Publication date: 1880
Number of pages: 397
Format / Quality: pdf
Size: 16 MB
It seems that we don't have anything on Marathi yet, so here is a grammar. I'll post a reader shortly.

As in most scans of that provenance (you know what i mean) the Devanagari is a little hard to read and some pages are messed up to the point of causing offense (e.g. 140), but the grammar itself is comprehensive.

The image is of course the Maratha hero Shivaji, depicted in fashionable Mughal attire (he was their retainer before the tiger claw incident, after all. What tiger claw, you ask. What? You've missed the best part!).

Password: uztranslation ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Индийский|Indian | Просмотров: 1903 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Marathi Readings
Author: J. Nimbkar, M. Berntsen
Publisher: Institute of Indian Studies
Publication date: 1983
Number of pages: 82
Format / Quality: pdf
Size: 1.3 MB
After the grammar, here are some Marathi readings.

They consist mostly of dialogues and it's a bilingual (Marathi-English) edition, so there is very little strain.

You'll realize you might need it when you take a bus to the Maharashtran countryside and encounter a text or a newspaper which seems to be in Hindi, but isn't.

Just don't turn into a follower of B.K. Thackerey!

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Индийский|Indian | Просмотров: 1949 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

An Introduction to the Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages
Author: Sabatino Moscati, Anton Spitaler, Edward Ullendorff, Wolfram von Soden
Publisher: Otto Harrassowitz
Publication date: 1980
Number of pages: 193
Format / Quality: DjVu
Size: 1.3MB
The nature of this book and the principles which guided its composition depend in the first place on the series to which it belongs. It is thus an elementary introduction to the comparative grammar of the Semitic languages, intended primarily as a textbook and limited in its scope so as to serve for a beginners' course. Such an introduction must be clear in expression while respecting scientific terminology; it must concentrate upon the essential facts while mentioning various particular questions of special importance; it must avoid doubtful and disputed hypotheses while indicating certa ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1985 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

An Introductory Grammar of Rabbinic Hebrew
Author: Miguel Pérez Fernández
Number of pages: 327
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 6.1MB
In Greek and Roman Palestine a Hebrew dialect existed alongside the literary language of Biblical Hebrew and yet followed its own pattern of development. After the destruction of the Temple it is believed the rabbis elevated this dialect to the status of a literary language, "Rabbinic Hebrew" and employed it in the composition of the Mishnah, Tosefta and halakhic "Midrashim". This volume is a practical grammar of Rabbinic Hebrew that seeks to bring up-to-date the 1927 work of M.H. Segal. It incorporates the results of recent investigations in the field and adds a pedagogic perspective, with vocabulary and exercises in every unit.

Категория: Иврит|Hebrew | Просмотров: 2074 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

A Tajik Persian Reference Grammar
Author: John R. Perry
Number of pages: 521
Format / Quality: DjVu
Size: 5.1MB
This is the first comprehensive reference grammar of Tajik, the Persian of Central Asia, to appear in English. It describes the modern literary language, with examples of colloquial and dialect usage, from the early Soviet period (1920s) up until Tajikistan's independence after 1991. Grammatical examples, taken from a variety of literary sources, are given in both the Cyrillic and Perso-Arabic scripts. Complete verb paradigms, a grammatical index, and parallel word-indexes in both writing systems make it easy to find particular points.

Essential for the Iranologist and comparative linguist, for the the student or teacher of Tajik Persian, and a valuable supplement for those who work with Persian of Iran or Afghanistan. With exten ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Таджикский|Tajik | Просмотров: 2392 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Filozofijski rječnik
Author: Vladimir Filipović (ur.)
Publisher: Matica hrvatska, Zagreb
Publication date: 1989
Number of pages: 365
Format / Quality: PDF/Readable (not OCRed)
Size: 44.8 MB
Ovaj Filozofijski rječnik izlazi kao dodatak Filozofskoj hrestomatiji Matice hrvatske. Nastao je iz potrebe koju nameće prvenstveno sama ta hrestomatija, a onda i mnogobrojna ostala filozofska literatura koja kod nas nailazi na sve veći krug čitalaca.

Danas se za filozofijske knjige i rasprave ne zanimaju samo oni koji se specijalno bave tom strukom, nego i mnogo širi naši obrazovani krugovi, pa se tako izdavanje filozofijskog rječnika nametnulo kao neminovni kulturni zadatak naše današnjice.

Ovaj rječnik nije dobio ni opseg ni oblik e ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Хорватский|Croatian | Просмотров: 2343 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Gramatika engleskog jezika
Author: Mustafa Tanović
Publisher: Fakultet humanističkih nauka univerziteta "Džemal Bijedić"
Publication date: 2002
ISBN: 9958-604-06-X
Number of pages: 216
Format / Quality: PDF/Excellent
Size: 4.6 MB
Ova kratka gramatika namijenjena je prije svcga studentima engleskog jezika, studentima na drugim fakultctima i učenicima srednjih škola. Tokom dugogodišnjeg i neposrednog rada sa velkim brojem učenika u Bosni i Hercegovini na osnovnoškolskom, srednjoškolskom i visokoškolskolskom nivou, autor je stekao bogato iskustvo i pouzdan uvid u teškoće sa kojima·se naši učenici i studenti suočavaju u procesu učenja engleskog jezika. Precizan uvid u prirodu i učestalost grešaka naših učenika i studenata u BiH i naših ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 1883 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Samojedischer Wortschatz: Gemeinsamojedische Etymologien
Author: Juha Janhunen
Publisher: Suomalais-ugrilainen seura
Publication date: 1977
ISBN: 9-514-51161-1
Number of pages: 185
Language: German
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 2.3MB
Das gemeinsamojedische Teil des "Samojedischen Wortschatzes" enthält eine Liste derjenigen aus den wesentlichsten heute verfügbaren Quellen erschliessbaren ursamojedischen Wortstämme, die mindestens aus je einer nord- und südsamojedischen Sprache belegt sind. Da das Verzeichnis in erster Linie für eine lautgeschichtliche Betrachtung der samojedischen Sprachen zusammengestellt worden ist, wird auf Literaturhinweise zur früheren Behandlung einzelner Etymologien verzichtet: die kritische Sichtung der samojedologischen wortgeschichtlichen Literatur wäre ein anderes, unabhängiges Unternehmen. Es ist jedoc ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1954 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Руско - Српски речник. Русско-сербский словарь
Author: Branislav Grujić
Publisher: Obod, Cetinje
Publication date: 1997
ISBN: 863050269X
Number of pages: 778
Format / Quality: PDF/Excellent
Size: 29.1 MB
Preko 100.000 reci, izraza, fraza, sinonima i tematskih tabela sa kratkom gramatikom ruskog jezika.

Containing over 100.000 words, expressesions, phrases, synonyms and thematic tables, and a short grammar of Russian.

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Сербский|Serbian | Просмотров: 2578 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

A Grammar of Misantla Totonac: Studies in Indigenous Languages of the Americas
Author: Carolyn Mackay
Publisher: University of Utah Press
Publication date: 1999
ISBN: 0-874-80455-8
Number of pages: 459
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 3.9MB
The Totonac-Tepehua language family, though typologically similar to some other Mesoamerican languages, has not yet been demonstrated to be related to any other language family. Misantla Totonac is the southernmost variety of Totonac and is spoken in the area between Xalapa, the capital of Veracruz, Mexico and Misantla, Veracruz. In 1974, a newly paved road connected Xalapa and Misantla bringing a relatively isolated area into contact with mainstream Mexican language and culture. Consequently, Misantla Totonac is no longer acquired as a first language by the local children and is rapidly being ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 2032 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Sanskrtska početnica
Author: Adolf Friedrich Stenzler
Publisher: Nebo na Zemlji d.o.o.o, Zagreb
Publication date: 1997
ISBN: 953-6427-08-7
Number of pages: 137
Format / Quality: PDF/Readable (not OCRed)
Size: 4.8 MB
Stenzlerov davno prokušani priručnik po drugi je put povjeren novom prerađivaču. Nužnima mi su se ukazale mnoge zamašne izmjene, pored onih koje su proizašle iz dugogodišnje učiteljske djelatnosti. No sve želje koje su se pokazale u novom izdanju nisu se mogle ispuniti. Da sam, kao što se često predlagalo, umetnuo i vedski sanskrt i poredbenu gramatiku, opseg i karakter priručnika u potpunosti bi se izmijenili. Stoga sam ostao vjeran prvobitnome Stenzlerovu planu. Gramatika je u potpunosti ostala deskriptivna i oslanja s ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1934 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Salish etymological dictionary
Author: Aert H. Kuipers
Publisher: Linguistics Laboratory, University of Montana
Publication date: 2002
ISBN: 1-879-76316-8
Number of pages: 240
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 10MB
A classic etymological dictionary in the style of Pokorny's Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, resting on a fully worked out theory of comparative Salish phonology and providing a reconstruction for each etymology.
The Introduction (1-11) presents a classification of the Salish languages — basically that of Swadesh (UAL 16:157-67, 1950) — and an outline of the PS sound system, with correspondences, following K.'s previously outlined scheme (UAL 47:323-35, 1981). Dictionary entries are divided into reconstructed roots (12-202) and lexical suffixes (203-14), each section subdivided into elements that can be reconst ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 2013 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Slavenstvo i romanstvo na jadranskim otocima - toponomasticka ispitvanja
Author: Petar Skok
Publisher: Jadranski institut JAZU, Zagreb
Publication date: 1950
Number of pages: 271+67+45
Format / Quality: PDF/Readable (not OCRed)
Size: 21.5 MB
Lingvistička analiza toponima na Jadranu. Drugi svezak su kazalo i mape.

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Хорватский|Croatian | Просмотров: 2136 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Old Church Slavonic: An Elementary Grammar
Author: S. C. Gardiner
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication date: 1984
ISBN: 0-521-23674-6
Number of pages: 192
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 4.2MB
Old Church Slavonic, the language of the religious texts translated by Saints Cyril and Methodius for the use of the Slavonic-speaking people of Central Europe in the early Middle Ages, later to become the literary language of medieval Russia and other East European countries, is a basic component of Modern Standard Russian. This is an elementary grammar of the language for readers of English. No previous knowledge of a Slavonic language or of philology or linguistics is assumed, and the essential points are explained with the minimum of technical terms. After a brief historical introduction, the sound system and its representation by t ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1919 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Uralisches etymologisches Wörterbuch (Band I)
Author: Károly Rédei
Publisher: Akadémiai kiadó
Publication date: 1988
ISBN: 9-630-53067-8
Number of pages: 905
Language: German
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 10.7MB
Seit der zweiten Hälfte vorigen Jahrhunderts wurden in der uralischen (finnisch-ugrischen) vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft in der etymologischen Forschung bedeuntende Ergebnisse erzielt. Sie hat sich, das kann man ohne zu übertreiben sagen, zu einem Schwerpunkt innerhalb der vergleichenden uralischen (finnisch-ugrischen) Sprachwissenschaft entwickelt, auch unter internationalem Aspekt. Björn Collinder stellt in diesem Zusammenhang fest: "I fråga om den etymologiska metodens förfining och stränghet står den jämförandе uraliska språkforskningen högre än den indoeuropeiska" [Hinsichtlich der Feinheit und St ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Финно-угорские|Finno-Ugric | Просмотров: 2318 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

An Introduction to Old Frisian: History, Grammar, Reader, Glossary
Author: H. Rolf, Jr. Bremmer
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Publication date: 2009
ISBN: 9-027-23255-5
Number of pages: 249
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 2.5MB
The aim of this book is given in the title: it claims to be an introduction to Old Frisian. The need for such a book has long been due, especially one that is written in English since the last introduction to Old Frisian in that language appeared in the late nineteenth century. It is true, Thomas Markey's Frisian (1981), a general survey of the language with much attention for the medieval period, is still available, but it lacks, for example, texts and a glossary. All other introductory books on Old Frisian are in German. Bo Sjölin's concise survey Einführung in das Friesische ( ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1969 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Encyclopaedia Britannica 2010 Almanac
Format/Quality: pdf
Size: 40 Mb
Number of pages: 882
The Encyclopaedia Britannica 2010 Almanac, is the complete source for fast facts. Published in association with Time Magazine, the Encyclopaedia Britannica Almanac 2010 includes more coverage of key subjects such as the arts, business, people, science, and the world than other leading almanacs. Read about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Darfur, the rise of global food prices and the accompanying political and financial effects, the growing military operation in Afghanistan, the lives of influential political leaders, athletes, authors, heroes and much more !

http://rapidshare.com/files/303819577/Bri ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 1846 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Pons Audio kurs za početnike : Engleski za tri meseca : Komplet za samostalno učenje
Author: Kejt Trenter
Publisher: Klett, Beograd
Publication date: 2007
Number of pages: 264
Format / Quality: PDF/Readable (not OCRed) + Audio (MP3)
Size: 151 MB
Želite brzo da naučite engleski jezik ali nemate vremena da pohađate jezički kurs? Ili želite da osvežite znanje kod kuće, na moru, na planini ili na putu do posla?

Zahvaljujući modernim metodama moći ćete da vežbate konverzaciju i razumevanje, slično kao što biste činili u kontaktu sa svima onima kojima je engleski jezik maternji, i istovremeno se usavršavate u pisanju i čitanju. Pored toga, gramatička pravila će Vam se otkrivati sama od sebe, obogatićete svoj fond reči, usvajaćete dragocene podatke o kulturi zemlje čiji jezik učite.

Odlike kursa su:
* jas ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 1905 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Guajajara/Parintintin Issues (Hierarchical Structures in Guajajara, A Phonemic Analysis, Tupi Studies I, Dicionário Parintintin-Portugues/Portugues Parintintin, Parintintin Grammar)
Author: Various
Publisher: SIL - Brasil
Publication date: 1972
ISBN: xxxxxx
Number of pages: 578

Format / Quality: pdf- zipped
Size: 3,87
Indigenous languages of Brazil. Grammar, dictionary, phonological aspects

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1892 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Réalisé par David Koepp
Avec Kevin Bacon, Kevin Dunn, Illeana Douglas.
Titre original : A Stir of Echoes
Interdit aux moins de 12 ans
Long-métrage américain. Genre : Fantastique, Thriller
Durée : 1h40 min Année de production : 1999
RIP+UP | Divx5.0.5 | mp3@128 | French | 717MB | 1h34
Synopsis : Tom Witzky, ouvrier dans la banlieue de Chicago, mène une vie de père de famille tout à fait ordinaire. Lors d'une soirée entre amis, Tom accepte, par jeu, une séance d'hypnose. Plus tard dans la nuit, il est assailli par des visions, des rêves troublants. De jour en jour, il voit toujours davantage de choses qu'il est incapable d'expliquer, entend des voix qu'il ne peut ignorer. I ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Французский|French | Просмотров: 1931 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

ENGLISH for CHILDREN №03, 1994 г. (Английский для детей)
Издатель: ТОО "Экслибрис", МГУ, Москва,
Дата издания: 1994 г.
Количество страниц: 8
Формат / качество: rar-->PDF(+5%)
Размер: 2,5Mb
Газета, для изучающих английский язык.
Песни, стихи, сказки, учебные материалы.

Без пароля
Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 1728 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Englesko-hrvatski enciklopedijski rječnik istraživanja i proizvodnje nafte i plina
Author: Miroslav Perić
Publisher: INA Industrija nafte d.d.
Publication date: 2007
ISBN: 978-953-7049-40-9
Number of pages: 1039
Format / Quality: PDF/Excellent
Size: 6.7 MB
Prošlo je više od trideset godina od posljednjega specijaliziranog naftog rječnika, a od tada se na području naftne struke toliko toga promijenilo. Kapitalno djelo prof. Miroslava Perića Englesko-hrvatski enciklopedijski rječnik istraživanja i proizvodnje nafte i plina sadrži 12.300 definicija i 7.100 pojmova, ukupno 19.400 terminoloških jedinica, i najpotpunije je djelo takve vrste. Autor je obradio temeljna područja struke od istraživanja i proizvodnje nafte i plina, naftne geol ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 1787 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Englesko-hrvatski enciklopedijski rječnik istraživanja i proizvodnje nafte i plina
Author: Miroslav Perić
Publisher: INA Industrija nafte d.d.
Publication date: 2007
ISBN: 978-953-7049-40-9
Number of pages: 1039
Format / Quality: PDF/Excellent
Size: 6.7 MB
Prošlo je više od trideset godina od posljednjega specijaliziranog naftog rječnika, a od tada se na području naftne struke toliko toga promijenilo. Kapitalno djelo prof. Miroslava Perića Englesko-hrvatski enciklopedijski rječnik istraživanja i proizvodnje nafte i plina sadrži 12.300 definicija i 7.100 pojmova, ukupno 19.400 terminoloških jedinica, i najpotpunije je djelo takve vrste. Autor je obradio temeljna područja struke od istraživanja i proizvodnje nafte i plina, naftne geol ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Хорватский|Croatian | Просмотров: 2160 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Magnifica Italia - Umbria
Formato: DVD
Durata: 50 min
Qualita: buono
Dimensione: 3,96 GiB
In volo su una regione che è l'ombelico d'Italia, per ammirare un paesaggio intatto che sopravvive immutato nel tempo. Nel cuore degli Appennini, in un itinerario sospeso tra natura e cultura, si incontrano borghi fortificati, conventi medievali, pievi romaniche ed antiche abbazie. La grandiosa basilica di San Francesco ad Assisi è il cuore della spiritualità francescana.

http://rapidshare.com/files/302885740/Umbr ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Итальянский|Italian | Просмотров: 2210 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Srpski elektronski rěčnik
Author: SANU, Matica srpska
Format / Quality: EXE
Size: 71.8 MB
Srpski elektronski rěčnik – sa 300.000 rěči i oko 1.500.000 značenja – sastavljen je iz 16 tomova Rěčnika srpskohrvatskog književnog i narodnog jezika, koji izdaje Srpska akademija nauka i umětnosti u Beogradu (do rěči 'odvrzivati') i 3 poslědnja toma Rěčnika srpskohrvatskog književnog jezika, koji je izdala Matica srpska (od rěči 'odvrknuti').

Tekst dvaju rěčnika skeniran je i prepoznat, a zatim su urađene dvě korekture (jedna kompjuterska, uz pomoć korektora iz paketa RAS, a druga na papiru). Cěo tekst baze naknadno je sređivan i korigovan uz pomoć programskih alata, koje je po zamisli Milorada Simića uradio dipl. inž. Nedeljko Kuduz, koji je ujed ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Сербский|Serbian | Просмотров: 2702 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Gramatika engleskog jezika za srednje škole
Author: Milan D. Stanković
Publisher: Nolit, Beograd
Publication date: 1957
Number of pages: 247
Format / Quality: PDF/Excellent
Size: 6 MB
Već duže vremena osećala se u našim srednjim školama potreba za jednim udžbenikom koji će dati pregled engleske gramatike u najskromnijim okvirima. Međutim, u poslednje vreme kada se engleski jezik počeo da predaje na znatno široj osnovi i višem stepenu, sve više se osećala preka potreba za jednom iscrpnijom i detaljnijom gramatikom koja će obuhvatiti celo gramatičko gradivo predviđeno nastavnim programom za više razrede srednjih škola.

Pristupajući izradi ovog udžbenika pisac je ne samo nastojao da zadovolji jednu trenutnu potrebu, već je takođe ž ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 1865 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Trojezični građevinski rječnik (CD-ROM)
Author: Andrija Prager (ur.)
Publisher: Masmedia
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 953-157-434-0
Number of pages: 1432
Format / Quality: EXE+HTML
Size: 71 MB
"Trojezični rječnik građevinarstva" prof. dr. Andrije Pragera sastoji se od tri trojezična rječnika građevinskog nazivlja: hrvatsko-englesko-njemačkog, englesko-hrvatsko-njemačkog i njemačko-hrvatsko-engleskog. U svakom od tri dijela polazni stupac sadrži oko 20.000 termina, pa Rječnik ukupno donosi oko 60.000 hrvatskih, engleskih i njemačkih termina iz građevinarstva i pratećih područja (arhitekture, matematike, geologije, informatike, ekologije, ekonomije, prava). U osnovi, polazni, hrvatski stupac uvršteni su termini koji su se uvriježili u ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Хорватский|Croatian | Просмотров: 2384 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Trojezični građevinski rječnik (CD-ROM)
Author: Andrija Prager (ur.)
Publisher: Masmedia
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 953-157-434-0
Number of pages: 1432
Format / Quality: EXE+HTML
Size: 71 MB
"Trojezični rječnik građevinarstva" prof. dr. Andrije Pragera sastoji se od tri trojezična rječnika građevinskog nazivlja: hrvatsko-englesko-njemačkog, englesko-hrvatsko-njemačkog i njemačko-hrvatsko-engleskog. U svakom od tri dijela polazni stupac sadrži oko 20.000 termina, pa Rječnik ukupno donosi oko 60.000 hrvatskih, engleskih i njemačkih termina iz građevinarstva i pratećih područja (arhitekture, matematike, geologije, informatike, ekologije, ekonomije, prava). U osnovi, polazni, hrvatski stupac uvršteni su termini koji su se uvriježili u ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Сербский|Serbian | Просмотров: 2105 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Trojezični građevinski rječnik (CD-ROM)
Author: Andrija Prager (ur.)
Publisher: Masmedia
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 953-157-434-0
Number of pages: 1432
Format / Quality: EXE+HTML
Size: 71 MB
"Trojezični rječnik građevinarstva" prof. dr. Andrije Pragera sastoji se od tri trojezična rječnika građevinskog nazivlja: hrvatsko-englesko-njemačkog, englesko-hrvatsko-njemačkog i njemačko-hrvatsko-engleskog. U svakom od tri dijela polazni stupac sadrži oko 20.000 termina, pa Rječnik ukupno donosi oko 60.000 hrvatskih, engleskih i njemačkih termina iz građevinarstva i pratećih područja (arhitekture, matematike, geologije, informatike, ekologije, ekonomije, prava). U osnovi, polazni, hrvatski stupac uvršteni su termini koji su se uvriježili u ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Боснийский|Bosnian | Просмотров: 2406 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Language Use in The Ottoman Empire and its problems (1299-1923)
Author: Yelda Saydam
Publisher: Johannesburg
Publication date: 2006
Number of pages: 150
Format / Quality: Pdf
Size: 6,4 Mb



Password: turklib
Категория: Турецкий|Turkish | Просмотров: 2213 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Ottoman-Turkish Conversation Grammar
Author: V.H. Hagopian
Publisher: various
Publication date: 1907
Number of pages: 554
Format / Quality: djvu
Size: 16 MB
This is one of the best books for studying Ottoman Turkish, so I was happy when I saw this old friend over at TurkLib a while ago.

Then I realized that there might be people who are interested in Ottoman (including my own former countrymen), but who only visit this site, and so it might be good for them if this book is cross-posted.

Caveats: Occasionally the scan quality deteriorates, and the French transliteration of /u/ as ou can be a bit irritating if you're not French. But that's the way Ottomans themselves were writing in Latin script before the 1920s.

I have some additional Ottoman materials, but I'm not ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Турецкий|Turkish | Просмотров: 2168 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Etymological Vocabulary of the Shughni Group
Author: Georg Morgenstierne
Publisher: Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag
Publication date: 1974
Number of pages: 119

Format / Quality: djvu
Size: 4.8 Mb
Quote from introduction:

In this Etymological Vocabulary of the Shughni Group (i.e. Shughni, Bajui, Khufi, Roshani, Bartangi, Oroshori, and Sarikoli) has been included also Yazghulami, which is, in its vocabulary, so closely related to the ShGr., as well as the little which has been recorded from the now extinct Wanji, north of Yazghulami. I have also, as far as possible, referred to words from Badakhshan Tajiki dialects, when suspect of being of ShGr. origin.
My intention has been to give all words recorded in sources available to me, which I have not been able to trace to Tajiki, Turki, Russian or recent ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 2012 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Opća i nacionalna enciklopedija - CD-ROM izdanje
Author: Antun Vujić (Ed.)
Publisher: Pro Leksis d.o.o., Večernji list d.d.
Publication date: 2007 (2009)
Number of pages: 6000
Format / Quality: ISO image
Size: 574 MB
Opća i nacionalna enciklopedija u 20 knjiga, najnovija je hrvatska opća enciklopedija, a izlazila je od svibnja 2005. do kraja 2007. godine.

Izdavači su Pro Leksis d.o.o. i Večernji list d.d., a glavni urednik enciklopedije je Antun Vujić. Enciklopedija se prodavala po jedan svezak mjesečno, uz dnevne novine Večernji list. Nakon što je do kraja 2007. izašlo svih 20 svezaka, u 2009. je izdana digitalna (CD-ROM) verzija.

Ovo izdanje je prva opća enciklopedija u Hrvatskoj nakon 23 godine. Dvadeset svezaka obuhvaća 6 000 stranica, 80 000 članaka i 19 000 ilustracija. ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Хорватский|Croatian | Просмотров: 2192 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Opća i nacionalna enciklopedija - CD-ROM izdanje
Author: Antun Vujić (Ed.)
Publisher: Pro Leksis d.o.o., Večernji list d.d.
Publication date: 2007 (2009)
Number of pages: 6000
Format / Quality: ISO image
Size: 574 MB
Opća i nacionalna enciklopedija u 20 knjiga, najnovija je hrvatska opća enciklopedija, a izlazila je od svibnja 2005. do kraja 2007. godine.

Izdavači su Pro Leksis d.o.o. i Večernji list d.d., a glavni urednik enciklopedije je Antun Vujić. Enciklopedija se prodavala po jedan svezak mjesečno, uz dnevne novine Večernji list. Nakon što je do kraja 2007. izašlo svih 20 svezaka, u 2009. je izdana digitalna (CD-ROM) verzija.

Ovo izdanje je prva opća enciklopedija u Hrvatskoj nakon 23 godine. Dvadeset svezaka obuhvaća 6 000 stranica, 80 000 članaka i 19 000 ilustracija. ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Сербский|Serbian | Просмотров: 2328 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Opća i nacionalna enciklopedija - CD-ROM izdanje
Author: Antun Vujić (Ed.)
Publisher: Pro Leksis d.o.o., Večernji list d.d.
Publication date: 2007 (2009)
Number of pages: 6000
Format / Quality: ISO image
Size: 574 MB
Opća i nacionalna enciklopedija u 20 knjiga, najnovija je hrvatska opća enciklopedija, a izlazila je od svibnja 2005. do kraja 2007. godine.

Izdavači su Pro Leksis d.o.o. i Večernji list d.d., a glavni urednik enciklopedije je Antun Vujić. Enciklopedija se prodavala po jedan svezak mjesečno, uz dnevne novine Večernji list. Nakon što je do kraja 2007. izašlo svih 20 svezaka, u 2009. je izdana digitalna (CD-ROM) verzija.

Ovo izdanje je prva opća enciklopedija u Hrvatskoj nakon 23 godine. Dvadeset svezaka obuhvaća 6 000 stranica, 80 000 članaka i 19 000 ilustracija. ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Боснийский|Bosnian | Просмотров: 2321 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

An Arabic-English Vocabulary of the Colloquial Arabic of Egypt
Author: S. Spiro
Publisher: al-Mokattam
Publication date: 1895
Number of pages: 688
Format / Quality: djvu
Size: 16 MB
Here is an old-school dictionary which is still often seen in bookstores in Egypt. It was probably the best of its kind for some 70 years, until Badawy and Hinds produced their dictionary of the Egyptian colloquial.

I won't be harsh on dear ol' Spiro, because it's still a decent dictionary and it's good to have it. It includes a lot of vocabulary which you need if you're interested in Ottoman Egyptian history or Egyptian material culture (clothing, traditional kitchen utensils, etc). The scan which I found is actually decent (but not great) once you get past the few first pages.

Here are the problems: I like dictionaries with s ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Индийский|Indian | Просмотров: 2173 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

A Manual of Colloquial Hindustani and Bengali
Author: N. C. Chatterjee
Publisher: the author
Publication date: 1914
Number of pages: 196
Format / Quality: djvu
Size: 5 MB
Another one of those fabulous phrasebooks of yore, this time fortunately written by an Indian.

This one I like a lot because in addition to Hindustani, it also gives you the colloquial Bengali/Bangla equivalents.

So, how do you say: "As the road was very muddy, he slipped and cut his knees" in good Hindi or Bengali?

(Trust me, you might need that sentence at certain times of the year in Kolkata, before or after encountering the Goddess herself!)

Password: uztranslations
Категория: Индийский|Indian | Просмотров: 2050 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)