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Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 3880 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 28.04.2010 | Комментарии (1)

Liadain and Curithir: An Irish Love Story of the Ninth Century
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Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 1741 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 25.03.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Teach Yourself Irish
Authors: M.Dillon, D.O'Croinin
Pages: 195
Size: 1,7 Mb
Languages: English, Irish

audio for lessons 7-13 added
With Teach Yourself it's possible for virtually anyone to learn and experience the languages of the world, from Afrikaans to Zulu; Ancient Greek to Modern Persian; Beginner's Latin to Biblical Hebrew. Follow any of the Teach Yourself Language Courses Audiopacks at your own pace or use them as a supplement to formal courses. These complete courses are professionally designed for self-guided study, making them one of the most enjoyable and easy to use language courses you can find. Audiopacks include an instruct ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 5903 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 14.11.2009 | Комментарии (1)

Italo-Celtic Origins and Prehistoric Development of the Irish Language
Author: Frederik Kortlandt
Publisher: Editions Rodopi BV
Publication date: 2007
ISBN: 9-042-02177-2
Number of pages: 226
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 1.1MB
This volume offers a discussion of the phonological and morphological development of Old Irish and its Indo-European origins. The emphasis is on the relative chronology of sound changes and on the development of the verbal system. Special attention is devoted to the origin of absolute and relative verb forms, to the rise of the mutations, to the role of thematic and athematic inflexion types in the formation of present classes, preterits, subjunctives and futures, and to the development of deponents and passive forms. Other topics include infixed and suffixed pronouns, palatalization of consonants and labia ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 2174 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Handbuch des Alt-Irischen: Grammatik, Texte und Woerterbuch
Author: R. Thurneysen
Publisher: Heidelberg
Publication date: 1909
Number of pages: ca. 800
Format / Quality: djvu
Size: 23 MB
From the little that I know about those matters, the work of R. Thurneysen has not yet been superseded for the oldest layers of Irish.

His Handbuch is still in print in English, entitled A Grammar of old Irish. I used to have it as a paper copy, which was quite expensive, but I don't remember how precisely it corresponds with this German edition.

I'm sure the specialists in Irish among us have had this one for a while, but for the rest of us, this might be fun.
I never succeeded in working completely through it. It has a reputation for being relatively intense and deservedly so.

With a few texts in the second pa ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 1700 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 25.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Learning Irish
Author: Micheal O'Siadhail
Publication date: 1995
Publisher: Yale university press
Pages: 320
Format: pdf-->mp3
Size: 232MB

Learning Irish is the standard introductory course to the Irish language. The product of many years of original and scholarly research as well as much teaching experience, this book and the four accompanying audio CDs serve a double function: they provide a sound approach to the ordinary language learner and at the same time furnish the professional linguist with an authentic description of the spoken language.

The book does not presuppose prior knowledge of Irish and gives thorough coverage of the grammatical patterns of the language. Texts and exercises are presented in ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 2048 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 29.09.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Heather O Donoghue- Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Short Introduction / Древнескандинавская литература: Краткое введение
Wiley-Blackwell | 2004 | ISBN: 0631236252, 0631236260 | 256 pages | PDF | 1,64 MB

От рунических надписей до саг. Эта книга открывает перед читателем красочный мир древнескандинавской литературы. Охватывает как мифологию и семейные саги, так и менее известные области, такие как устное народное творчество, эддическая и скальдическая поэзия. Помогает читателям оценить язык и культуру первых поселенцев в Исландии. Рассматривает приемы древнескандинавской литературы по периодам, поскольку представления викингов менялись. Показывает, какое влияние оказал скандинавский эпос на различных авторов, от Шекспира до Симуса Хини.

Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 1997 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Linguaphone Irish Course
Author: Diarmuid Ó Donnchadha
Publisher: Linguaphone
Publication date: 1986
Format / Quality: pdf, mp3->rar
Size: 173MB
Language: Gaeilge
The course has been compiled and written by our Director, Diarmuid Ó Donnchadha, a recognized authority on Irish language courses for adults, whose works include Múineadh na Gaeilge, (The Teaching of Irish), a handbook for Irish language teachers, An Clóchomhar, (1964), a self-instruction course in the Irish Language for The Linguaphone Institute/Gael Linn (1974), Castar an Taoide, (Turn the Tide), Coiscéim (1995), a work on language promotion with special regard to the I ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 2098 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 09.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

An Chéad Leabhar Gaedhilge - First Irish Book
Author: Charles H. Stanley Davis
Publisher: Educational Publishing Company - Boston
Publication date: 1912
Number of pages: 137
Format / Quality: pdf-zipped-excellent quality
Size: 2,50MB
This book has been prepared to supply the want of a simple textbook for beginners in the study of modern Irish, and contains the essentials which are necessary for every student of the Irish languages to know. Particular pains have been taken to fully illustrate every rule by examples.

Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 1987 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 04.02.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Historical memoirs of the Irish bards
Author: Joseph C. Walker / Джозеф К. Уокер
Publisher: LUKE WHITE, Dublin
Publication date: 1786
Number of pages: 324
Format / Quality: pdf
Size: 22,4 Мб
Книга содержит очерки и эссе о старинной музыке Ирландии, биографии известных бардов, тексты поэм на английском и гэльском языках, описания и исторический обзор музыкальных инструментов древних ирландцев (труба и кельтская арфа), а также нотные записи избранных ирландских мелодий. Эта книга будет интересна изучающим английский язык и литературу, е ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 1935 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Irish Nouns: A Reference Guide
Author: Andrew Carnie
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Publication date: 2008-10-18
ISBN: 0199213755
Number of pages: 363
Format / Quality: rar file containing true pdf
Size: 1,6 Mb
This book presents the first comprehensive reference on noun declensions in Modern Irish. Whereas traditional descriptions of noun inflection are notoriously complex and filled with exceptions and irregularities, this reference guide provides a systematic and straightforward characterization of nominal paradigms, which also captures important generalizations about the inflection of nouns. Andrew Car ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 2219 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 08.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Basic Irish: A Grammar and Workbook (Grammar Workbooks)

Author: Nancy Stenson
Publisher: Routledge
Publication date: 2008-03
ISBN: 041541041X
Number of pages: 256
Format / Quality: Pdf/Excellent
Size: 877Kb zip
Basic Irish: A Grammar and Workbook provides a jargon-free introduction to the most commonly used grammatical structures within the Irish language. Focusing on the repeated use of grammatical patterns, the Workbook develops an understanding of the structures presented, mak ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 2072 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 08.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Intermediate Irish: A Grammar and Workbook
Author: Nancy Stenson
Publisher: Routledge
Publication date: 2008-03
ISBN: 0415410428
Number of pages: 246
Format / Quality: Pdf/Excellent
Size: 714Kb zip
Intermediate Irish is a jargon-free workbook examining the most commonly used grammatical structures within the Irish language. Focusing on the repeated use of grammatical patterns, the Grammar develops an understanding of the structures presented, making the forms familiar and automatic for learners.

This user-friendly workbook includes:
terminology introduced and explained with multiple examples
exercises i ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 1995 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 08.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Стихи королевы Гормлайт
Автор: Гормлайт, королева Ирландии
Издательство: Летний сад
Год: 2002
Страниц: 64
Формат: pdf (rar)
Размер: 21,7 Mb
ISBN: 5-94381-078-1
Качество: среднее
Язык: русский/ирландский
Сборник стихов королевы Гормлайт с параллельным текстом на ирландском.

Гормлайт, королева Ирландии (X в.), была сильной женщиной и незаурядной поэтессой. В стихах она запечатлела свою драматическую судьбу и страстную душу. Этот памятник древней ирландской лирики впервые публикуется в русском стихотворном переводе с параллельным текстом оригинала и комментарием на основе ир ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 2277 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 08.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Colloquial Irish: The Complete Course for Beginners (Colloquial Series (Book Only))
Author: Thomas Ihde
Publisher: Routledge
Publication date: 2008-05-13
ISBN: 0415381290
Number of pages: 260
Format / Quality: true pdf
Size: 2,5 Mb
Specially written by experienced teachers, this easy to use and completely up-to-date course provides a step-by-step approach to spoken and written Irish with no prior knowledge of the language required. What makes "Colloquial Irish" your best choice in personal language learning?: emphasis on the language of East Connemara, with a clear pronunciation guide and an appendix on dialectal diffe ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 2100 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 08.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Learn Irish with Liam O Maonlai
Author: Liam O Maonlai
Format / Quality: mp3 at 96kbps / pdf
Size: 153 MB
Ireland enjoys a unique heritage and proud culture that is respected throughout the world, and speaking our native language is a great way to celebrate and enjoy this culture.

Including some Irish expressions within your everyday conversations is one of the best and most important ways of keeping this culture alive.

So whether it’s for exam success, or simply to impress your friends, make the most of these great courses, with compliments of the Irish Independent. Simply click on the linked text to download the file.

Includes transcripts.

... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 1933 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 08.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

An Introduction to Old Irish
Author(s): R. P. M. Lehmann, W. P. Lehmann
Pages: xv + 201
Published: 1975
This handbook was produced with the aim of providing students with an introduction to Old Irish literature as well as to the language. One of the notable Old Irish stories is used as the basic text. Examples of poems, and of the glosses, supplement it. All are thoroughly annotated. The grammatical information provided in these annotations is summarized in grammatical sections dealing with specific constructions and forms. The first fifty of these sections are descriptive; many of the same matters are discussed in the second fifty section from a historical point of view. A final glossary includes ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 1812 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 08.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

A First Old Irish Grammar and Reader
Author: Kim McCone
A First Old Irish Grammar and Reader including an Introduction to Middle Irish
Maynooth Medieval Irish Texts III


Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 1957 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 08.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Old Irish Verbs and Vocabulary (Paperback)
Author: Antony Green
Another study aid for Old Irish - complete paradigms of a range of verbs (in all tenses/moods/aspects), and a two-way vocabulary.


Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 1820 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 08.01.2009 | Комментарии (0)

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