A Key to Dutch HistoryAuthor: Frits van Oostrom Publisher: Amsterdam University Press Publication date: 2007 ISBN: 978 90 5356 498 1 Format / Quality: PDF source language: english A Key to Dutch History The Cultural Canon of the Netherlands A
Key to Dutch History - The Cultural Canon of the Netherlands werd
samengesteld door een aantal specialisten (onder leiding van Frits van
Oostrom), die in overleg met het Nederlandse publiek hebben gepoogd de
hoogtepunten in de Nederlandse geschiedenis
te vatten. Het democratische proces achter dit boek herinnert aan de
manier waarop Nederland al tijden functioneert, en zegt evenveel over de
Nederlandse geschiedenis als over het functioneren van Nederland als staat. De culturele canon van Nederland bestaat uit een lijst va
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Teach Yourself Dutch Complete Course Package (Book + 2CDs)Author: Gerdi Quist, Dennis Strik Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publication date: March 27, 2003 Language: English/Dutch Format: pdf+mp3 Size: 120MB UL: norrman Bestselling language courses now with audio CDs!
Danish to Spanish, Swahili to Brazilian Portuguese, the languages of
the world are brought within the reach of any beginning student.
Learners can use the Teach Yourself Language Courses at their own pace
or as a supplement to formal courses. These complete courses are based
on the very latest learning methods and designed to be enjoyable and
Prepared by experts in the language,
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Michel Thomas Method: Dutch Advanced CourseAuthor: Els Van Geyte and Cobie Adkins-de Jong Publisher: McGraw-Hill (in US; Hodder in UK) Publication date: Aug 28 2009 Number of pages: 4 Audio CDs Format / Quality: MP3 (128mbps) Size: 64.8mb + 65.3 + 64.5 + 61.4 Discover the language-learning method millions around the world have come to trust
most language-learning systems, Michel Thomas Method Dutch Advanced
enables you to naturally and intuitively develop the building blocks
for language comprehension. With this advanced course, you can
strengthen your skills quickly and easily by listening, speaking, and
thinking through Dutch. Guided by a language instructor and native
speakers, Michel Thomas Method Dutch Advanced takes you through an
interactive lesson with two other students. In less than five hou
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Dutch IFormat / Quality: mp3, pdf; quality is good Size: 226 Mb (in RAR)
30 audio lessons (+ 30 audio lessons for reading practice) for those who want to learn this language. Download and enjoy.
Remarks: Mirrors are welcome!
Dutch IPublisher: Simon & Schuster's Format / Quality: MP3 / Good qality Size: 229MB Complete Pimsleur Dutch I with all 30 lessons and 20 readings plus the accompaning reading booklet.

Title: To verdener Year: 2008 Format: Rar---> avi Size: 711 mb Language: Danish Subtitles: English Цитата: Sara
and her family proudly belong to Jehovah’s Witnesses. In the local
community they go from door to door and preach on Judgment Day and
eternal salvation for Jehovah’s chosen ones. But when Sara falls in
love with Teis, she is confronted with her most difficult choice in
life. Teis is not a Witness, yet their love grows through stolen,
secret meetings. Sara is torn between her conscience, faith and
passion, forced to make a choice between her love and her family that
are worlds apart. Part 1 http://ifile.it/jo4qvni Part 2 <
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Afblijven (Keep Off) Year: 2006 Format: Rar---> avi,srt Size: 701 mb Language: Dutch Subtitles: Dutch
Цитата: Afblijven
is a coming of age story about a group of teenage friends who begin to
experiment with what life has to offer.For some,that leads to doing the
right thing. But for Melissa,freedom leads to too many
temptations.She has always wanted to be a dancer and is thrilled,but
terrified,when chosen to dance in a new video with the popular
Brainpower.One of the cast members offers her a pill to help her calm
down and get into the mood of the music.Just one little pill.But before
she knows it she's hooked.Her life spins out of control and,at an
underground dance party,the unthinkable happens
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Title: Aktivt Dansk Publication date: 2006 Authors: Lise Bostrup,Svetlana Vvedenskaja Format: Rar---> PDF,wma Pages: 142+156+128 Size: 90 mb Цитата: A textbook of spoken Danish for beginners. The
set[which includes a textbook,a workbook,a grammar in Russian and audio
files]is intended for the initial phase of learning the Danish language
in schools for foreigners in Denmark and for students of foreign
universities,as well as for self-study. http://ifile.it/vmo6pld
Грамматика датского языка формат: Word
Датское произношение Автор: Б. С. Жаров Издательство: ЛЕНИНГРАДСКОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА Год: 1969 Формат: (doc) rar Размер: 2.6 Mb
Релиз от KILDEE
Данная книга является первым в СССР пособием по фонетике датского языка. В ней подробно описываются элементы датского произношения в сравнении с русским. Образование датских звуков приведено в той последовательности, в какой их легче изучить русскому. В книге рассматриваются также чередование звуков, ударение, интонация, соотношение произношения и орфографии в датском языке. Все теоретические положения сопровождаются примерами; кроме того, имеются иллюстрации и материал для упраж
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Colloquial Danish: The Complete Course for Beginners Author: W. Glyn Jones and Kirsten Gade Publisher: Routledge Publication date: 5th June 2003 Number of pages: 279 Language: English/Danish Format: pdf+mp3->rar Size: 2,3MB (book) + 119MB (audio)
Specially written by experienced teachers for self-study or class use, the Colloquial Danish offers you a step-by-step approach to written and spoken Danish. No prior knowledge of the language is required. Includes:
- Interactive
- Clear
- Practical
- Complete - including answer key and reference section
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Teach Yourself Danish Complete Course Author: Bente Elsworth Publisher: Hodder and Stoughton Edu. Publication date: 1994/2004 Format / Quality: pdf,mp3->rar / VBR mono Size: 33.8MB (Book) + 34.7MB (Cassette version) + 102MB (CD version)
Teach Yourself Danish is the course for anyone who wants to progress quickly from the basics to understanding, speaking and writing Danish with confidence. Although aimed at those with no previous knowledge, it is equally suitable for anyone wishing to brush up existing knowledge for a holiday or business trip. Key structures and vocabulary are introduced in 18 thematic units pro
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Danish: An Essential Grammar (Routledge Grammars) Author: Robin Allan Publisher: Routledge Publication date: 2000-10-12 Number of pages: 224 Format / Quality: Zipped PDF Size: 1,1 Mb
Danish: An Essential Grammar is a reference guide to the most important aspects of current Danish as it is used by native speakers. It focuses on those areas of Danish that pose particular problems for the learner but at the same time provides a broad general account of the language. The Grammar is the ideal source of reference for the learner of Danish in the early and middle stages. It is suitable either for independent study or for s
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Dansk-Engelsk/Engelsk-Dansk Ordbog Series: Gyldendals Røde Ordbøger Publisher: Gyldendal Publication date: 2003 Format / Quality: ccd, cue, img, sub ->rar Size: 70,6MB
Om cd-rom'en
Med Gyldendals elektroniske ordbog bliver du hurtigt bedre til at skrive på engelsk og oversætte til dansk. Det er nemt at slå op, for ordbogen er altid tilgængelig på computerens skrivebord. På den måde sparer du tid og undgår fejl.
- 115.000 opslagsord og 52.000 udtryk og vendinger
- Find den rigtige oversættelse, mens du skriver
- Slå svære engelske ord op, mens du læser på skærmen
- Slå bøjningen af over 400 engelske verber op
- Søg på opslagsord, udtryk og
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Dansk Grammatik
Pages: 162 Format: PDF Size: 6.35 MB
Kauderwelsch - digital - Dänisch - Wort für Wort Band 43 Author: Roland Hoffmann Language: German Book: 133 Seiten Date: 2002 Format: PDF/MP3 Size: 15 MB
Kauderwelsch-Sprechführer sind keine Lehrbücher, aber viel mehr als Sprachführer!
Rosetta Stone Danish - Level 1 Producer: Fairfield Language Technologies
* This powerful tool uses advanced multimedia tools to immerse you completely in Danish, as you experience the language just as a native-speaker would * You'll enjoy 12 special activities with 92 lessons each -- all of them fun and interesting, and sure to teach you more about the language * Key skills in listening comprehension, reading, speaking and writing are developed as you get a taste of Danish culture * Previews, tests and automated tutorials help you when you're stumped, so that your Danish speaking skills never cease to grow!