Comprehensive Thai(Lessons 1 - 30) File Type: RaR -> Mp3 File Size: 324mb -> 782mb File Quality: 128 kbps Цитата: The Image says it all no further explaination required Rapidshare Links Part I Part II Part III Part IV
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Learn Thai - Thai PDQ (CD)
Thai PDQ is a fun, holiday-style course aimed at beginners wanting to learn Thai. Using proven teaching methods and with a strong focus on essential vocabulary, you will quickly be able to handle a wide variety of everyday situations.
* Learn to speak Thai to an elementary level. * Learn 500 essential Thai words and phrases. * Perfect your accent by listening to native Thai speakers. * Focus on the vocabulary that you need.
Thai Basic Course - Vol 06 Author: Defense Language Institute Publisher: Defense Language Institute (DLI) Publication date: 1966 Number of pages: 141 Format / Quality: good quality PDF in RAR Size: 3.0 MB
This is Volume 6 (Lessons 41-48) of the DLI introductory course in Thai.
The general format, as presented in the first unit, consists of (1) a question-answer pattern drill, which introduces new grammatical structures, (2) a dialog, containing the new structures and vocabulary, (3) a recombination dialog, presenting the new words and patterns in different situations, (4) grammar notes, and (5) a word list.
The d
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Thai Basic Course - Vol 05 Author: Defense Language Institute Publisher: Defense Language Institute (DLI) Publication date: 1966 Number of pages: 162 Format / Quality: good quality PDF in RAR Size: 3.2 Mb
This is Volume 5 (Lessons 33-40) of the DLI introductory course in Thai.
The general format, as presented in the first unit, consists of (1) a question-answer pattern drill, which introduces new grammatical structures, (2) a dialog, containing the new structures and vocabulary, (3) a recombination dialog, presenting the new words and patterns in different situations, (4) grammar notes, and (5) a word list.
The dialogs throughout
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Thai Basic Course - Vol 04 Author: Defense Language Institute Publisher: Defense Language Institute (DLI) Publication date: 1965 Number of pages: 162 Format / Quality: good quality PDF in RAR Size: 2.8 MB
This is Volume 4 (Lessons 25-32) of the DLI introductory course in Thai.
The general format, as presented in the first unit, consists of (1) a question-answer pattern drill, which introduces new grammatical structures, (2) a dialog, containing the new structures and vocabulary, (3) a recombination dialog, presenting the new words and patterns in different situations, (4) grammar notes, and (5) a word list.
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Thai Basic Course - Vol 03 Author: Defense Language Institute Publisher: Defense Language Institute (DLI) Publication date: 1966 Number of pages: 175 Format / Quality: good quality PDF in RAR Size: 3.3 MB
This is Volume 3 (Lessons 17-24) of the DLI introductory course in Thai.
The general format, as presented in the first unit, consists of (1) a question-answer pattern drill, which introduces new grammatical structures, (2) a dialog, containing the new structures and vocabulary, (3) a recombination dialog, present
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Thai Basic Course - Vol 02 Author: Defense Language Institute Publisher: Defense Language Institute (DLI) Publication date: 1966 Number of pages: 199 Format / Quality: good quality PDF in RAR Size: 3.2 MB
This is Volume 2 (Lessons 9-16) of the DLI introductory course in Thai.
The general format, as presented in the first unit, consists of (1) a question-answer pattern drill, which introduces new grammatical structures, (2) a dialog, containing the new structures and vocabulary, (3) a recombination dialog, presenting the new words and patterns in different situations, (4) grammar notes, and (5) a word list.
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Thai Basic Course - Vol 01Author: Defense Language InstitutePublisher: Defense Language Institute (DLI)Publication date: 1966
Number of pages: 199Format / Quality: good quality PDF in RAR Size: 3.5 MB
This is Volume 1 (Lessons 1-8) of the DLI introductory course in Thai. The general format, as presented in the first unit, consists of (1) a question-answer pattern drill, which introduces new grammatical structures, (2) a dialog, containing the new structures and vocabulary, (3) a recombination dialog, presenting the new words and patterns in different situations, (4) grammar notes, and (5) a word list. The dialogs throughout are transl
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In-Flight Thai: Learn Before You Land (LL (R) In-Flight) Publisher: Living Language (June 19, 2001) Language: English
Living Language In-Flight Thai is the perfect boarding pass to learning Thai before you land.
There's no better way to make use of all that spare time on a plane than to master the essentials of a language. This 60-minute program is the simplest way to learn just enough to get by in every situation essential to both the tourist and business traveler.
The program covers everything from greetings and polite expressions to asking directions, getting around, checking into a hotel, and going to a restaurant. There are even sections for meeting people and spending a night on the town.
Short lesson
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HighLight Dictionary (Thai) Version: 2.50 Format: exe Language: Thai, English Size: 10.50mb
Thai: An Essential Grammar (Routledge Grammars) Author: David Smyth Publisher: Routledge Publication date: 2002-11-01 Number of pages: 240 Format / Quality: PDF in zip file Size: 1,4 Mb
Concise and user-friendly, Thai: An Essential Grammar is the ideal guide to the basic structures of the language for both students on taught courses and independent learners. Grammatical forms are explained in clear, jargon-free style and illustrated by examples, given in both Thai script and romanization. As well as grammar, it includes guidance on pronunciation, speech conventions and the beautiful Thai writing system.
Thai for Beginners Publisher: Paiboon Publishing,Thailand Author: Benjawan Poomsan Becker ISBN: 1887521003 Format: pdf + mp3 Pages : 262 pages Size: 18 mb(pdf) +124MB (mp3) Quality: Pdf(scan-medium)
Цитата: Welcome to an exciting journey into the fascinating world of Thai language and culture! Thailand is a favourite vacation paradise and enjoys one of the world's fastest growing economies. More than any other factor, the Thai people's legendary friendliness makes Thai language well worth learning. THAI FOR BEG
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Teach Yourself Thai (Book + Audio) Publisher: Teach Yourself Author: David Smyth Punblished : 2003 ISBN: 0071420304 Format: Pdf (scan) + mp3 Pages : 242 pages Size: 50Mb (rar mp3) + 22Mb (pdf)
Цитата: With this book, Thai is attainable for any beginning student. You can use Teach Yourself Thai Complete Course at your own pace or as a supplement to formal courses. This complete course is based on the very latest learning methods and designed to be enjoyable and user-friendly.
Prepared by experts in the language, Teach Yourself Thai begins with the basics and gradually promotes you to a level o
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The Thai System of Writing Author: Mary R. Haas Publisher: American Council of Learned Societies Publication date: 1956 Number of pages: 120 Format / Quality: PDF in RAR made from US goverment microfiche Size: 3.4 Mb
All words cited in the present book are followed by phonetic transcription allowing students to learn the writing system through self-study.
Chapters included in the text are: (1) "Thai Consonants and Their Names," (2) "Vocalic Symbols," (3) "Tonal Markers," (4) "Initial Consonants," (5) "Final and Medial Consonants," (6) "Other Irregularities," and (7) "Numerals and Special Signs." A represent
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Thai Phrasebook Format: mp3 Size: 27 MB
Thailand is one of Asia’s most popular tourist destinations, and whether you’re looking to do business in Bangkok, hike your way through the northern hills, or relax on the sparkling beaches, The Rough Guide to Thai is a perfect introduction to the country’s language, food, and culture. This concise yet comprehensive volume is organized in a dictionary format, making it simple and quick to find the words and phrases that you’re looking for. It also includes pronunciation hints to help you be easily understood in any situation.
So Sethaputra - Thai-English and English-Thai dictionaries Размер: 30 mb
Kauderwelsch - digital Thai — Wort für Wort Language: German Book: 165 Seiten Date: 2002 Format: PDF Size: 15 MB
Русско-тайский разговорник Автор: И. В. Якушин Год: 1999 Страниц: 181 Формат: pdf Размер: 14.6 MB
Данный русско-тайский разговорник (справочник) включает в себя самые необходимые слова и фразы из разных сфер жизнедеятельности человека, которые помогут при повседневном общении, во время пребывания в Таиланде. Необходимые фразы и выражения даны на русском, английском и тайском языках. Разговорник рассчитан на людей, которые никогда не соприкасались с тайским языком. Известно, что довольно большую сложность в произношении тайского языка составляют тона, которых нет в русском или английском языках. В Разговорнике применена специальная, упрошенная система для объяснения
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