Diccionario panhispánico de dudasFormato: PDF Páginas: 637 Size:6,47 MB El
Diccionario panhispánico de dudas (abreviado como DPD) es una obra
elaborada por los miembros de las 22 Academias de la lengua española,
con el propósito de resolver las dudas relacionadas con el uso del
idioma español en toda la comunidad hispanohablante. Цитата: La primera edición se publicó en 2005.
iniciativa partió como respuesta a las 50.000 preguntas anuales, unas
300 diarias, que llegaban a las distintas Academias de la Lengua sobre
el correcto uso del idioma.
Se compone de:
* El diccionario propiamente dicho. * Un conjunto de cinco apéndices sobre símbolos, abreviaturas, modelos de conjugación verbal y gentilicios. * Un glosari
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Alif Baa with DVDs: Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sounds, Second EditionAuthor: Kristen Brustad, Mahmoud Al-Batal, Abbas Al-Tonsi Publisher: Hopkins Fulfillment Services Publication date: August 2004 Number of pages: 168 pages Format / Quality: DVD Image & PDF Book / DVD & Good Quality PDF Size: DVD 1 = 1.82GB, DVD 2 = 2.60GB, Textbook = 18.8MB, Answer Key = 7.6MB This
new Arabic language textbook program uses a communicative,
proficiency-oriented approach with fully integrated audiovisual media
to teach modern Arabic as a living language. Intended primarily for
college and graduate students but accessible enough for anyone, the
series focuses on developing skills in standard Arabic and gradually
introducing students to Egyptian Arabic, the most widely spoken dialect
in the Arabic-speaking world.
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 Oxford English DictionaryAuthor:Oxford University Press Size:650 Release date: 21 May 2009 NOTICE: No DMG file for Mac's usersThe
Oxford English Dictionary is the internationally recognized authority
on the English Language, defining more than 500,000 words and tracing
their usage through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of
literary and other sources. The text on the CD-ROM comprises the full
text of the OED 2nd Edition, plus the three Additions volumes, as well
as 7,000 new entries from the OED's continuing research. Цитата: Most
importantly, OED v4.0 on CD-ROM boasts superb search-and-retrieval
software, designed specifically for the electronic version, enabling
you to investigate the Dictionary in ways not possible with the
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Русско-таджикский разговорник Автор: С. Салихов Издатель: Главная Научная Редакция Таджикской Советской Энциклопедии Дата издания: Душанбе, 1990 Количество страниц: 112 Формат / качество: pdf/хорошее Размер: 5313 KB Цитата: Русско-таджикский разговорник содержит наиболее обиходные слова и выражения, при помощи которых незнающий таджикского, но владеющий русским языком, мог бы пользоваться при общении с различными слоями городского и сельского населения. Разговорник может быть полезным широким кругам приезжающих в нашу республику специалистов, гостей, туристов, переводчиков, студентов, учащейся молодежи.

Нохчийн меттан нийсаяздаран дошам Spelling Dictionary Of Literary Chechen

Август Стринберг - Жители острова
Хемсё (Hemsöborna)
Аудиокнига | talbok
Издательство: LL-förlaget
Год выпуска: 2008
Автор: August Strindberg
Читает текст: Bruno Årfors
Язык: шведский
Karlsson är på väg till Hemsö i Stockholms skärgård. Han ska bli
dräng på madam Flods gård. Det är ingen ordning på gården sedan
gubben Flod dog. Sonen Gusten bryr sig inte om jordbruket. Karlsson
börjar styra och ställa. Madam Flod är nöjd men Gusten går där med
mörka tankar. Hemsöborna berättar om livet på Hemsö, om skärgårdens
folk i glädje och sorg, i vardag och fest.
Роман "Жители острова Хемсё" (Hemsöborna) был написан С
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Осетинско-русский словарь
3-е дополненное издание, около 28000 слов.
С приложением грамматического очерка
осетинского языка В. И. Абаева,
издательство «ИР» Орджоникидзе, 1970 word 4,2 Mb
Скачать с depositfiles
ossetic dictionary

Историко-этимологический словарь осетинского языка
В.И. Абаев. Издательство Академии наук СССР (начало издания -1958, конец - 1995 год) 4 тома и указатель PDF 39,15 Mb
Скачать с depositfiles
Абаев - осетинская этимология

Практический курс шведского языка с mp3
Автор: Погодина Н.Е.
Издательство: М.: Высшая школа - 1988 год
Язык: русский, шведский
Целью пособия являеться комплексное обучение чтению и пониманию
шведской литературы, развитию навыков разговорной речи и овладение
основами шведского произношения. Пособие состоит из основного курса и
приложения, в которое включены грамматическая таблица, ключи к
упражнениям и алфавитный указатель.
3е издание (2е 1979г) значительно переработанно; включены тексты
страноведческого характера, расширены грамматические материалы и
система упражнений.
Формат: Pdf (книга 14мб + mp3 76мб)
Всё в архиве zip - Mb
 101 rules of Arabic GrammarAuthor: Muhammed Jiyad Publication date: 2006 Format / Quality: Pdf Size: 1,25 Mb Language:English-Arabic 
 Chuvash GrammarAuthor: Unknown Publisher: en.chuvash.org Publication date: 2006 Number of pages: 95 Format / Quality: Pdf Size: 1 Mb Language:Chuvash-English Цитата: Chuvash manual
PHONOLOGY Grammar 2.0 Theoretical Basis of the Analysis UNIT ONE: The Chuvash noun; gender; plural
UNIT TWO: Vowel harmony; case morphemes and allomorphs; the
non-relational zero morpheme (absolute case); the possessive relational
morpheme (genitive case) UNIT THREE: Objective relational morpheme
(dative and accusative cases, direct and indirect object); locative
relational morpheme; ablative relational morpheme UNIT FOUR:
Instrumental relational morpheme; minor case morphemes (privative,
purpose, directive, vocative); comp
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 The Holy Koran in Latin alphabetAuthor: Formatting by William B.Brown Publication date: 2009 Number of pages: 354 Format / Quality: Pdf Size: 1,45 Mb Language:Latin Arabic (Turkish Latin alphabet) 
 Polytechnical dictionary - English-PersianAuthor: Argani, A Publisher: Tihran : Amir Kabir Publications Organization Publication date: hijri 1364/1985 Number of pages: 640 Format / Quality: Pdf/DjVu Size: 44 Mb/29,8 Mb Language: English-Persian 
 Road to Turkish language reform and the rise of Turkish nationalismAuthor: Aaron Scott Johnson Publisher: Montreal.,Institute of Islamic Studies MgGill University Publication date: 2004 Number of pages: 114 Format / Quality: Pdf Size: 2,3 Mb Language:English Цитата: This
thesis examines the concurrent changes in Turkish identity and in the
Turkish language from the early developments in the period of the
modernizing Tanzimat reforms to the Anatolian Turkish nationalism and
the alphabet and language reform of the Republican era. It looks
specifically at how language issues played a large role in the
development of Turkish national identity towards the end of the Ottoman
period, and also examines the development of Ottomanism and I
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 Turkish GrammarAuthor: Geoffrey L. Lewis Publisher: Oxford University Press Publication date: 2001 ISBN: 0198700369 Number of pages: 303 Format / Quality: Pdf Size: 11,6 Mb Language: English-Turkish Цитата: This
is the best reference grammar of Turkish currently available, and has
for years been the preferred reference of intermediate to advanced
English-speaking students of Turkish. (Note: It is not a textbook, but
a reference grammer intended to clarify and expand on what one has
learned from a textbook or course. Also, it is a traditional grammar,
with little of the jargon or theoretical speculation of "modern"
Its strength is the incredible richness of the
material it contains, and the way that this mater
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 A grammar of the Persian languageAuthor: Sir William Jones Publisher: London : Printed for J. Murray [etc.] Publication date: 1801 Number of pages: 218 Format / Quality: Pdf/DjVu Size: 12 Mb / 7,8 Mb Language: English-Persian 
 The student's Persian and English dictionary, pronouncing, etymological,& explanatoryAuthor: Sarabshaw Byramji Doctor Publisher: Surat: Presbyterian Mission Press Publication date: 1880 Number of pages: 571 Format / Quality: Pdf/DjVu Size: 12 Mb/14 Mb Language:Persian-English 

 Uyghur Elementary School book of 1930'sAuthor: Unknown Publisher: Swedish Missionary Publishing House Publication date: 1930 Number of pages: 18 Language:Uyghur Arabic Script Format / Quality: pdf/good Size: 6.9Mb Uyghur School book used in 1930's. This book was used in Qashqar Bible teaching schools in 1930's.
 Navoiy asarlari uchun qisqacha lug'at - Навоий асарлари учун қисқача луғатComposer:Dr.Botirbek Hasanov Publisher: Toshkent.,"Fan" Source:www.ziyouz.com Publication date: 1993 Number of pages: 375 Format / Quality: Pdf Size: 9,8 Mb Language:Uzbek (Cyrillic- arabic alphabet) 
Suomen Kieli - Finnish Language (in Russian)Author: Daiana Koivisto Publication date: 1990-1991 ISBN: xxxxx Number of pages: 68 Format / Quality: Djvu -zipped Size: 1.6MB Basic Finnish course in Russian
DOWNLOAD http://depositfiles.com/files/suvi0jwii
Swiss German - Compact Publisher: Simon & Schuster's Format / Quality: MP3 / Good qality Size: 95.6MB Swiss German - Compact containing 10 lessons of 30 minutes each to give you the basic skils needed to get by in Swiss German.

Tinker Bell And The Lost Treasure Director: Klay Hall Company: DisneyToon Studios Genre: Animation | Family | Fantasy Runtime: 81 min Format: avi Size: 700 MB Release Date: 27 October 2009 (USA) Цитата: Tinker Bell journey far North of Never Land to patch things up with her friend Terence and restore a Pixie Dust Tree. Download: Part 01: Rapidshare Part 02: Rapidshare Part 03: Rapidshare Part 04:
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The Thaw Director: Mark A. Lewis Company: Anagram Pictures Inc. Genre: Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller Runtime: 90 min Format: avi Size: 700MB Цитата: At
a remote Arctic research station, four ecology students discover the
real horror of global warming is not the melting ice, but what's frozen
within it. A prehistoric parasite is released from the carcass of a
Woolly Mammoth upon the unsuspecting students who are forced to
quarantine and make necessary sacrifices, or risk infecting the rest of
the world. Download: Part 01: Rapidshare Part 02:
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Dutch IPublisher: Simon & Schuster's Format / Quality: MP3 / Good qality Size: 229MB Complete Pimsleur Dutch I with all 30 lessons and 20 readings plus the accompaning reading booklet.

Название:Prepositions and Particles in English Автор: Elizabeth M. O'Dowd Год издания:1998 Страниц:232 Размер:12 MB Формат:pdf Качество: good Язык:eng Цитата: "The
chapters are argumentative discourse ar its best. O'Dowd's research on
English "P-forms" gives the kind of evidence that should challenge
those of us working on lesser documented languages to consider
dissolving these boundaries in our own research, and asking some
important questions. O'Dowd's broad research into both past and current
analyses and descriptions of adverbs, prepositions, and other
linguistic structures that impinge on the interpretation of them is
impressive. In addition to the contribution her book makes to English
linguistic research, her
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El Ruso en Ejercicios Author: Javronina, S. - Shirochenskaya, A. Publisher: Rubiños 1860, S.A. Publication date: 1992 ISBN: 84-8041-013-2 Number of pages: 330 Language: Spanish / Russian Format / Quality: pdf (good) Size: 20,7 MB (5% Rec) El
Manual "El Ruso en ejercicios" esta destinado a las personas que
comienzan el estudio del ruso. Incluye cerca de 800 ejercicios que
abarcan los fenomenos mas importantes y caracteristicos de este idioma.

Spring Breakdown Director: Ryan Shiraki Company: Warner Bros. Pictures Genre: Comedy Runtime: 84 min Format: avi Size: 725 MB Цитата: The
storyline revolves around three thirtysomething friends who break the
monotony of their uninspired lives by vacationing on an island that's a
popular spring break getaway for college co-eds. One of the women works
for a powerful senator whose daughter is one of those co-eds, only
she's as geeky as her chaperones. Download: Part 01: Rapidshare Part 02: Rapidshare Part 03:
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Whatever Works Director: Woody Allen Company: Sony Pictures Classics Genre: Comedy | Romance Runtime: 92 min IMDb rating: 7.5/10 Format: avi Size: 700MB Цитата: Woody
Allen writes and directs this "blackish comedy" about an eccentric,
upper class New Yorker (Larry David) who abandons his comfortable
lifestyle in favor of leading a more bohemian existence. After meeting
a young Southern girl and her family, he discovers that life among the
nonconformists isn't quite as carefree as he'd envisioned it to be. Download: Part 01: Rapidshare Part 02:
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Les expressions imagées Author: Robert Galisson Publisher: CLE international Collection: Pratique des langues étrangères Publication date: 1984 ISBN: 2.19.033271.0 Number of pages: 64 Format / Quality: pdf / very good Size: 1.86 Mo ► ce livret auto-correctif propose la manipulation d'un nombre important d'expressions imagées (450 environ). ► Ses objectifs sont à la fois : - linguistiques : accès à la forme, au contenu et à l'usage des expressions imagées, - et culturels : les expressions imagées appartiennent au fonds culturel commun au plus grand nombre. Leur
connaissance (compréhension et produc
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 PRОMT Expеrt 8.0.297 ГигaнтPublisher: PROMT, Ltd. Version: 8.0.297 Publication
date: 2008 Я не буду подробно описывать эту серьёзную программу –
специалисты знают, о чём речь. Подробная информация содержится в
имеющемся в архиве Руководстве пользователя, а также на сайте компании
PRPOMT. НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ ПЕРЕВОДА: Английский-Русский, Русский-Английский Немецкий-Русский, Русский-Немецкий Французский-Русский, Русский-Французский Испанский-Русский, Русский-Испанский Итальянский-Русский. Внимание!
Цифра 297 в названии продукта говорит о том, что базовый язык русский.
Если Вы приобретёте, например, продукт PROMT Expert 8.0.442, то базовым
будет английский, и Вы получите языковые пары английский-русский,
английский-немецкий, английский-французский и т.д., и не сможете
переводить с
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 PRОMT Expеrt 8.0.297 ГигaнтPublisher: PROMT, Ltd. Version: 8.0.297 Publication
date: 2008 Я не буду подробно описывать эту серьёзную программу –
специалисты знают, о чём речь. Подробная информация содержится в
имеющемся в архиве Руководстве пользователя, а также на сайте компании
PRPOMT. НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ ПЕРЕВОДА: Английский-Русский, Русский-Английский Немецкий-Русский, Русский-Немецкий Французский-Русский, Русский-Французский Испанский-Русский, Русский-Испанский Итальянский-Русский. Внимание!
Цифра 297 в названии продукта говорит о том, что базовый язык русский.
Если Вы приобретёте, например, продукт PROMT Expert 8.0.442, то базовым
будет английский, и Вы получите языковые пары английский-русский,
английский-немецкий, английский-французский и т.д., и не сможете
переводить с
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 First Certificate Language Practice CD-ROMAuthor: Kevin McNicholas & Adrian Tennant Publisher: Macmillan Publication date: 2009 Version: 1.0.1208 ISBN: 978-0-2307-2710-6 Format / Quality: .iso -> .rar Size: 514 MB -> 70.8 rared 
Minimum hardware requirements 256 MB RAM 13 MB hard disk space 16-bit sound card 24-bit colour dept CD-ROM drive Headphones or speakers
product works best when your screen resolution is set to 1024x768, but
will function satisfactorily with a higher resolution (e.g. 1280x1024).
Compatible operating systems
First Certificate Language Practice CD-ROM has
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Title: Noite escura (In The Darkness Of The Night) Year: 2004 Country: Portugal Format: Rar ---> avi,srt Size: 694 mb Language: Portuguese Subtitles: English Цитата: A
dark winter's night somewhere in the Portuguese countryside. A hostess
bar where another working day is starting for the family who manages it
- the father, mother and two daughters, the girls who entertain and
seduce the clients. A world of false appearances and in which the
dreams of a different life will end up falling to pieces. Because the
father, for whom a deal has gone badly, will be forced to sacrifice his
younger daughter, and will thus end up tearing his whole family apart... Part 1
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 Tell Me More English v10 2009 - All 10 LevelsLearn English in an interactive and engaging way with up to 10 levels and more than 40 different activities. Цитата: TELL
ME MORE® English is the only English software that truly covers all of
the skills used in learning English: not only reading, writing,
listening, and speaking, but also grammar, vocabulary and culture.
95% of learners have improved at least one level.*(Based on IDC Study)
latest in speech recognition technology is included, giving you an even
more effective way to assess your English pronunciation. You’ll improve
your English conversation skills with interactive dialogues, graphs and
3D animated feedback features. Rapidshare (100 MB Links) http://rapidshare.com/files/253402833/TMMPE09.part0
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I Love You, Beth Cooper (2009) Director: Chris Columbus Company: 1492 Pictures Genre: Comedy Runtime: 102 min Format: avi Size: 740 MB Цитата: A
nerdy valedictorian proclaims his love for the hottest and most popular
girl in school – Beth Cooper – during his graduation speech. Much to
his surprise, Beth shows up at his door that very night and decides to
show him the best night of his life. Download: Part 01: Rapidshare Part 02: Rapidshare Part 03:
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 Литература 6-7-8-9-10 классов. Краткое изложение произведенийСерия : Аудиокурсы Издательство : ИДДК Время звучания : 6 час. 31 мин+4 час. 30 мин+6 час. 30 мин+5 час+6 час. 31 мин Формат : mp3, 192kbps, 44kHz Размер : ~2500 Мб Описание Литература 6 класс. Краткое изложение произведенийНа
данном диске представлен материал для изучения русской литературы в 6
классе. 30 художественных произведений даны в кратком изложении.Этот
материал значительно упростит и ускорит обучение, позволит дать учителю
исчерпывающий ответ о характере произведения и его героях. Содержание :Виктор А
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 Энциклопедия Кино Кирилла и Мефодия на 8CDГод выпуска: 2003 Формат: Обычный текст Качество: eBook Цитата: Уникальное
мультимедиа-издание, рассказывающее об истории развития мирового кино,
выдающихся актерах и режиссерах, операторах и сценаристах. На ее
страницах вы найдете богатейший материал о фильмах более чем из 50
стран мира, знаменательных киноэпохах, биографии видных мэтров
кинопроизводства, фильмографии лучших кинолент, рецензии на фильмы
различных жанров. В энциклопедии представлена обширная коллекция
фотографий и постеров звезд отечественного и зарубежного кино, кадров,
видео- и аудиофрагментов из кинофильмов.
Содержание: * Более 22 000 энциклопедических статей. * Более 3700 фотографий, постеров, кадров из фильмов. * Более 380 вид
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Hebrew II Author: Pimsleur Publisher: Simon & Schuster Format / Quality: MP3 / High quality Size: 237MB Comprehensive Hebrew II with all 30 lessons included

Tim & StruppiEntpackformat: pdf Größe: ~600 MB Цитата: Tim & Struppi 00 Im Lande der Sowjets Tim & Struppi 01 Tim im Kongo Tim & Struppi 02 Tim in Amerika Tim & Struppi 03 Die Zigarren des Pharao Tim & Struppi 04 Der blaue Lotus Tim & Struppi 05 Der Arumbaya Fetisch Tim & Struppi 06 Die schwarze Insel Tim & Struppi 07 Koenig Ottokars Zepter Tim & Struppi 08 Die Krabbe mit den goldenen Scheren Tim & Struppi 09 Der geheimnisvolle Stern Tim & Struppi 10 Das Geheimnis der Einhorn Tim & Struppi 11 Der Schatz Rackhams des Roten Tim & Struppi 12 Die sieben Kristallkugeln Tim & Struppi 13 Der Sonnentempel Tim & Struppi 14 Im Reiche des Schwarzen Goldes Tim & Str
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Korean II Publisher: Simon & Schuster Format / Quality: MP3 / High quality Size: 333MB Comprehensive Korean II with all 30 lessons included
 Paul Gordon Lauren, «Rights of Man: Great Thinkers and Great Movements»Publisher: The Teaching Company Language: English Format: MP3 (128kb/s) Size: 346 Mb Раскрыть ="Course Lecture Titles"1. The Rights of Man 2. The Heavy Burden of the Past 3. Religious Belief—Duties and Rights 4. Early Philosophical Contributions 5. Natural Rights and the Enlightenment 6. Rights and Revolutions—America and France 7. Rights of Man at the 18th Century's End 8. Abolishing the International Slave Trade 9. Emancipating Slaves and Serfs 10. Promoting the Rights of Women 11. Advancing the Rights of Workers 12. Protecting the
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Polish - Compact Publisher: Simon & Schuster Format / Quality: MP3 / High quality Size: 171MB Polish Compact containing 10 lessons in Polish Language
Using the Internet for Active Teaching and Learning Author: Steven C. Mills Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication date: November 2005 ISBN: 0-13-110546-9 Number of pages: 260 Format / Quality: pdf/excellent scanned Size: 13MB Are
you ready to make use of the power of the Internet to support your
teaching? Using the Internet for Active Teaching and Learning combines
both theory and practice to introduce you to the Internet's potential
as a teaching tool in your classroom. With student learning as its
goal, the book is organized by its functions in the classroom-from
communication to locating and evaluating information, publishing
information, information problem-solving, cooperative problem-solving,
inquiry and discovery, and online collaborations.
Features include:
# Re
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Korean I Publisher: Simon & Schuster Format / Quality: MP3 / High quality Size: 313MB Comprehensive Korean I with all 30 lessons included
Romanian - Compact Publisher: Simon & Schuster Format / Quality: MP3 / Good quality Size: 115MB Romanian Compact containing 10 lessons in Romanian

Swedish - Compact Publisher: Simon & Schuster Format / Quality: MP3 / Good quality Size: 181MB Swedish Compact containing 10 lessons in Swedish

Tagalog I Publisher: Simon & Schuster Format / Quality: MP3 / High Quality Size: 461MB Comprehensive Tagalog Level I along with reading material

The Woman who Thinks Like a Cow Company: BBC Genre: Documentary Runtime: 49 min IMDb rating: 8.5/10 Размер файла: 693 MB Формат Файла: AVI Цитата: Dr
Temple Grandin has a unique ability to understand the animal mind - and
she's convinced her skill is down to her autistic brain.
believes she experiences life like an animal. Her emotions are much
simpler than most people's and she feels constantly anxious. It's this
struggle with overwhelming anxiety that led her to discover just how
much she has in common with animals and, in particular, cows.
her ability to observe the world through an animal's eye, she has been
able to make an enormous impact on animal welfare. Her greatest
achievement has be
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Название: Tapestry Автор:
Virginia Guleff, Michael Ryall, Linda Robinson Fellag, M. E.
Sokolik,Pamela Hartmann, Karen Carlisi, Helen Kalkstein Fragiadakis Издательство:Heinle Дата издания:2000 Размер: ок 400 MB Формат:pdf,swf, mp3 Качество:good Язык:engl Цитата: Tapestry
is the first multi-skills English Language Teaching series. Tapestry
Listening & Speaking prepares students to become successful,
independent learners through: engaging communicative work, motivating
activities, Language Learning Strategies, Academic Power Strategies,
and interactive web site. * Setting Goals focuses students¿ attention on the learning they will do each chapter. *
The topic-related Culture Notes increase students¿ unde
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Jimmy's GM Food Fight Company: BBC Genre: Documentary Runtime: 58 min Format: avi Size: 745 MB Размер файла: 745 MB Формат Файла: AVI Цитата: Genetic modification is one of the great contentious issues of 21st Century science.
some it is a powerful technology that could boost food production and
prevent famines; to others it is a dangerously untested science that
threatens environmental disaster.
The BBC Horizon programme
sent Jimmy Doherty - an advocate of sustainable farming - on a personal
mission to get at some of the truths on GM. Download: Part 01:
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Plato and Aristotle: The Genesis of Western Thought (Modern Scholar) Publisher: Recorded Books Date: 2003-01 Format: MP3 Size: 109 Mb Цитата: This
course is an introduction to the philosophical thought of the two most
important philosophical figures of ancient Greece. By working through
parts of their central texts and thoughts, we will gain an
understanding of Plato and Aristotle's relevance in the past and today
as well.
After each section of this guide, you will find some
questions and suggestions for further thought. There is no right or
wrong answer to most of these questions; they're designed merely to
offer suggestions for how you might think further about the reading and
about what was discussed in the lect
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Title: Čarlston za Ognjenku Year: 2008 Format: Rar--> avi Size: 694 mb Language: Serbian Цитата: Čarlston
za Ognjenku (Tears for Sale) shows Serbia during the twenties of the
last century; Serbia in an excruciating phase of recovery after World
War One. The war consequences are most obvious in examples of the
deficit of male population – which is a demographic problem, especially
serious in rural areas. An imaginary village Pokrp found itself in such
a situation. Along with a mass of never kissed, hot blooded women,
there is only an over-aged old man, Bisa left alive. When two sisters,
Little Goddess and Ognjenka, helplessly trying to lose their virginity,
leave him dead, they “successfully” enrage the rest of the village
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Grammaire Ewe - Ewegbe Nutinunya Author: Kwasi Fiaga Publisher: INRS - Lomé - Togo Publication date: 1976 ISBN: xxxxxx Number of pages: 102
Format / Quality: PDF-scanned- excellent quality - zipped Size: 14,2 A complete grammar with a phrasebook
Диалектологический словарь татарского языка -- Tatar teleneng dialektologik süzlegeAuthor: ИЯЛИ Publisher: ТКН, Казан Publication date: 1969 Number of pages: 645 Format / Quality: djvu/good Size: 45 МБ Tatar
ädäbi teleneng formalashuwìnda häm üseshendä töp rol uinagan ike zur
dialektnìng (urta häm mishär dialektlarìnìng) leksik bailìgìn echenä
algan bu süzlek tatar häm rus leksikografi'neng tradiciyälärenä tayanìp
tözelde. DOWNLOADRapidshare

Die Philosophen und ihre Kerngedanken - Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart: Gesamtausgabe in 5 Folgen Publisher: Lau Verlag & Handel Year: 2008-11 Format: MP3 Size: 1.05 Gb Language: German Цитата: Die
Kerngedanken der Philosophen von Horst Poller mit dieser
Hörbuch-Edition lebendig werden lassen. Hörbuch-Philosophiegeschichte
in dem das Leben und das Werk der bedeutenden Philosophen von der
Antike bis zur heutigen Zeit beschrieben wird. Homer, Voltaire und
andere große Philosophen verstehen. Die Gesamtausgabe enthält 5 Folgen
mit jeweils 3 CDs und eignet sich ideal als Geschenk.In diesem Werk ist
jedem bedeutenden Denker von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart ist ein
Abschnitt gewidmet, in dem sein Leben, seine
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Al-Khwarizmi,Abu'l-Hamid Ibn Turk and the Place of Central Asia in the History of Science and Culture Author: Prof.Dr.Aydin Sayili Publisher: Amar Nazir Publication date: 2006 Number of pages: 68 Format / Quality: Pdf Size: 1,2 Mb Language:English Цитата:
 Цитата: Статья довольно большая (на английском языке) и может быть условно разделена на 3 части.
В первой части речь идет о великом математике аль-Хорезми. Среди прочего автор обсуждает следующее:
1. Вопрос приоритета в становлении алгебры как самостоятел
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Uyghur Latin Elipbesi Author: Uyghur Computer Assoc. Publication date: 2004 Number of pages: 1 Format / Quality: jpeg/good Size: 1.28Mb Uyghur Alpfabet The
Unicode standard of Uyghur Language is still discussing and this is a
alternative choice for writing e-mail and parallel using in some Uyghur
webpages. This is also a good choice for elementary Uyghur learners.

La suegra de Julia Author :Eulália Solé, Silvia López Publication date: 2009 Format / Quality: MDF Size : 437 MB A
teaching story designed for children and adults who have reached level
B1 according to norms of a common European Standard. The short story
consists of four chapters (AUDIO), in which history, whose main
characters - Julia and her mother in law, a woman with a very specific
character. Each chapter offers exercises for independent work on
understanding audio (PDF).
"La suegra de Julia" es una novela
didáctica destinada a jóvenes y adultos que hayan alcanzado el nivel B1
del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia. La novela tiene 4 capítulos, en
los cuales se va desarrollando una historia cuyos principales
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Title: To verdener Year: 2008 Format: Rar---> avi Size: 711 mb Language: Danish Subtitles: English Цитата: Sara
and her family proudly belong to Jehovah’s Witnesses. In the local
community they go from door to door and preach on Judgment Day and
eternal salvation for Jehovah’s chosen ones. But when Sara falls in
love with Teis, she is confronted with her most difficult choice in
life. Teis is not a Witness, yet their love grows through stolen,
secret meetings. Sara is torn between her conscience, faith and
passion, forced to make a choice between her love and her family that
are worlds apart. Part 1 http://ifile.it/jo4qvni Part 2 <
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English Grammar - - In'giliz Tili Gramatkisi Author: John M.Holmes,Todd S.Avera Publisher: Urumqi.,Xinjiang people's sanitary press Publication date: 2004 ISBN: 7-5372-3760-3 Number of pages: 370 Format / Quality: Pdf Size: 5,2 Mb Language:English-Uyghur 


Comprehensive Thai(Lessons 1 - 30) File Type: RaR -> Mp3 File Size: 324mb -> 782mb File Quality: 128 kbps Цитата: The Image says it all no further explaination required Rapidshare Links Part I Part II Part III Part IV
Pass: uztranslations

Taxi! Guide pédagogique (1,2,3) Author :Guy Capelle Publication date: 2003 Format / Quality: PDF ( 143, 143, 191 Pages ) ISBN : 201155221 Size : 18 MB Fruit
d’une longue expérience méthodologique et de pratiques de classe, Taxi
! 1 est le premier volume d’une méthode de français langue étrangère
constituée de trois niveaux.Taxi ! est une méthode interactive qui
développe non seulement les compétences de savoir de l’apprenant mais
aussi celles de savoir-faire et de savoir-être.Taxi ! permet à
l’enseignant de mener une classe dynamique à l’aide d’un parcours
simple et équilibré tant à l’écrit qu’à l’oral, clairement balisé grâce
à la présentation en double page de chaque leçon. Taxi ! propose
donc aux professeurs des
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Leyendas (adapted Audiobook) Author :Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer Publication date: 2008 Format / Quality: MDF Size : 751 MB "Legends
of Becker," like all the other books in this series, is a brief
introduction to the most important works of Spanish literature in the
form accessible to students who are learning Spanish as a foreign
language. This adaptation follows the recommendations and requirements
of the texts of this level, according to norms of a common European
standard for Languages and the Plan of the Institute of Cervantes.
de Bécquer", como el resto de los libros de esta serie, presenta una
breve introducción de las obras más importantes de la literatura
hispánica en versiones accesibles para
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English For You - EFU - Lessons English (80 VCD) Content: 80 VCD Format: AVI Quality: XviD 352x272 25.00fps 431 Kbps / MP3 128 kbps Duration: ~50 min / lesson Size: 16.82 Gb
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Horizons 1&2 Автор:Paul Radley, Colin Campbell, Daniela Simons Дата издания: 2008 Размер: 118+153 Mb Формат: pdf,mp3 Качество: Good Язык: English Цитата: Horizons
is for secondary school students aged 14-19, and builds confidence in
communication by providing clear structures and models. Cassettes / Audio CDs - Recorded dialogues from the Student's Book photostory - Various listening texts
multiple entry points that are suitable for different teaching
situations, this title presents grammar in the context of dialogues. It
offers training for pre-intermediate level exams, and contains optional
lessons with language practice. It also includes cultural sections
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Английский язык: устные темы: для подготовки к ЕГЭ Author: Е.И.Кисунько, Е.С. Музланова Publisher: Астрель Publication date: 2006 Number of pages: 480 Format / Quality: pdf/middle quality Size: 71 Mb Пособие
для подготовки к итоговой аттестации по английскому языку. Содержание
заданий соответствует требованиям государственного стандарта. В книге
21 глава. Устные темы разнообразны по тематике. Рекомендовано как
ученикам 10-11 классов, так и учителям школ.

Title: Václav Year: 2007 Format: Rar---> avi Size: 682 mb Language: Czech Цитата: Václav
Vingl, the village loser, in his 40’s bordering on autism, lives with
his widowed mother on the outskirts of the village. He is seen by
villagers as the local fool, nothing but a constant pain, but there is
also a skeleton in the village closet concerning his father’s death.
gets no mercy from his brother František either. According to
him,Václav should be put into an institution. Ever since their
childhood, he competes with Václav for the attention of their mother,
and now it seems even his mistress Lida finds attraction in the wild,
but charmingly innocent Václav.
The truth about the death of
Václav and František's f
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 Немецко-русский словарьМосква, 1976 | 993 стр. | ISBN ? | DjVu | 24.8Mb Словарь
предназначается для переводчиков, преподавателей и студентов институтов
и факультетов иностранных языков, а также для научных работников. Словарь
содержит 80 000 слов современного немецкого литературного языка с
подробной разработкой значений и их оттенков. Даны пояснения,
уточняющие значения слов, и пометы, указывающие на стилистическую
особенность употребления слова. Слова снабжены грамматической

Translation of the meanings of The Holy Qura'n (English, Spanish, French, German)
Format: PDF
Languages: En/Fr/Gr/Esp
Size of each file: 30 to 50 MB
Publisher: King Fahed Complex for The printing of the holy Qura'n
Цитата: The Noble Qur’an
Noble Qur’an is Allah’s Word through which He expressed His commands
and teachings. It is raised above any possible description. The Noble
Qur’an was revealed to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and
was accepted by the believers as being the essence of truth. Moreover,
the believers maintain that it is the Word of Allah and not the words
of any of His creatures. Thus, whosoever claims that it is the words of
a human being becomes a disbeliever.
1 : English 30 mb <
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