Главная » 2010 » Ноябрь » 14
English - Ukrainian Law Dictionary
Author: Vinnytsia-Nova Knyha
Publisher: ABBYY
Publication date: 2004
Number of pages: 1088

Format / Quality: DJVU / very good
Size: 9,49 MB
As a result of the establishment of Ukrainian as the official language and a considerable increase in the number of law specialists and students as well as owing to intensive contacts of Ukrainian state officials, jurisprudents, entrepreneurs, and other professionals with the English-speaking world, a great necessity in an English-Ukrainian law dictionary has arisen, in which along with the notions and terms common to the corresponding legal systems, translated equivalents of the terms, words, and phrases typical of the legal systems of the United States of America and Great Britain with actual comments on the peculiarities of the ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Украинский|Ukrainian | Просмотров: 1822 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 14.11.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Author: Paulivar Andreasen, Árni Dahl
Publisher: Føroya Skúlabókagrunnur
Publication date: 2004
ISBN: 99918-0-122-7
Number of pages: 208

Format / Quality: pdf / good quality
Size: 26.77 mb
Faroese grammar (in Faroese) including Orthography, Grammar rules, Syntax

No Password
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1579 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 14.11.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Azərbaycan dilinin orfoqrafiya lüğəti
Publisher: Bakı: "Lider nəşriyyat" - 2004
Format / Quality: Pdf
Size: 1,1 Mb
Language: Azeri
Bu kitab "Azərbaycan dilinin orfoqrafiya qaydaları" əsasında latın qrafikalı əlifba ilə hazırlanmış ilk nəşrdir. Bütün başqa lüğətlər kimi "Azərbaycan dilinin orfoqrafiya lüğəti" də dövrün dil mənzərəsini əks etdirir. Bundan başqa, Azərbaycan dilinin sözyaratma modellərinə uyğun olan bütün sözlər lüğətə salınmışdır. Lüğətə əvvəlki nəşrdə olmayan 18 minə yaxın söz də daxil edilmişdir.

Категория: Азербайджанский|Azerbaijani | Просмотров: 2769 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 14.11.2010 | Комментарии (0)

Orðaskyn - mín fyrsta orðabók
Author: Ingrid Sondum, Petur Martin Danielsen, Niels Nattestad, Djóni
Publisher: Føroya Skúlabókagrunnur
Publication date: 1994
Number of pages: 233

Format / Quality: pdf / good quality
Size: 22.2 mb
Faroese dictionary with ca 3000 keywords, with grammatical notes and examples

No Password
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1559 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 14.11.2010 | Комментарии (0)


Treasures: Grammar & Writing Handbook, Grade 5 + Teacher Edition with Answers
Publisher: Macmillan/McGrH
Publication date: 2007
ISBN: 0021969442
Number of pages: 272+272

Format / Quality: pdf
Size: 18.9mb
This reference tool provides second grade students with more practice and support for grammar and writing. It includes additional practice with grammar, usage, and mechanics, provides support for study skills, vocabulary, and problem words. It also contains a troubleshooter section for commonly made mistakes.
The Teacher Edition contains the answers for the tasks in the Student Edition.

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Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 1131 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 14.11.2010 | Комментарии (0)