Главная » 2009 » Апрель » 20
Chouinard Camille “1300 Pièges du Français Parle et Ecrit"
La Presse | 2006-10-21 | ISBN: 2923194926 | 301 pages | PDF | 2,1 MB



Категория: Французский|French | Просмотров: 1957 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Marc Aerts " Vocabulary (English in Context)"
Saddleback Educational Publishing, Inc. | 2000-08 | ISBN: 1562543563 | 112 pages | PDF | 1,2 MB

Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 1508 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Veronika Pekurina (FHM 02 2009 / Estonia) HQ
PDF | Estonian | 10 pages | 9,0 MB
Категория: Эстонский|Estonian | Просмотров: 4038 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Anna Nevskaya (Playboy 04 2009 / Russia)
PDF | Russian | 6 pages | 5,1 MB

Категория: Русский|Russian | Просмотров: 2036 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Категория: Эстонский|Estonian | Просмотров: 2013 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Playboy Estonia - November 2008
PDF | 26 Pages | RS/DF/ES/UP | 7.8 MB
Категория: Эстонский|Estonian | Просмотров: 2283 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Historical Dictionary of Latvia 2nd Edition
The Scarecrow Press | 2008 | ISBN: 0810855151 | Pages: 344 | PDF | 1.02 MB

Located on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, Latvia has had a turbulent past. Its larger neighbors -- Russia, Germany, Poland, Sweden -- all occupied this area of the Baltic littoral at different times in the past, but it was not until the twentieth century that Latvia emerged as an independent country. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Latvia, together with the other two Baltic states, Estonia and Lithuania, regained independence that they had already had between the two World Wars. Plakans' intention here is to offer a stepping stone towards the eventual creation of a work presenting the "significant core" of Latvian history in English. "The ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Латышский|Latvian | Просмотров: 1931 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Eesti Vabariigi MÜNDID Coins of the Republic of Estonia
Raamatutrükikoda | 2007 | ISBN: 978 9985983188 | Estonian, English | PDF | pages 128 | 1.46 Mb

The publication you are holding is the most complete catalogue of the currency of the Republic of Estonia compiled so far. The catalogue includes two volumes: currency notes and coins. It gives an overview of the currency notes and coins in circulation, as well as the collector coins that were issued during both the first Republic (1918–1940) and after the monetary reform of 1992 in the newly re-independent Republic until 2007 (information provided as of August 2007).

Публикация, которую Вы держите, является самым полным каталогом валюты республики Эстонии, собранной на сегодняшний день. Каталог включает два тома: денежные ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Эстонский|Estonian | Просмотров: 2117 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Eesti Vabariigi rahatähed Banknotes of the Republic of Estonia
Raamatutrükikoda | 2007 | ISBN: 978 9985983188 | Estonian, English | PDF | pages 240 | 6.66 Mb

The publication you are holding is the most complete catalogue of the currency of the Republic of Estonia compiled so far. The catalogue includes two volumes: currency notes and coins. It gives an overview of the currency notes and coins in circulation, as well as the collector coins that were issued during both the first Republic (1918–1940) and after the monetary reform of 1992 in the newly re-independent Republic until 2007 (information provided as of August 2007).

Публикация, которую Вы держите, является самым полным каталогом валюты республики Эстонии, собранной на сегодняшний день. Каталог включает два тома: денежные зн ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Эстонский|Estonian | Просмотров: 2461 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Doing Business with Estonia By Marat Terterov, Jonathan Reuvid
Publisher: GMB Publishing 2005 | 233 Pages | ISBN: 1905050224 | PDF | 1.5 MB

Originally published in the pre-EU-accession period, this edition of Doing Business with Estonia has been updated to take account of the post-accession changes to the legal and fiscal environment. It remains a definitive appraisal of the economic system and investment climate, including an examination of the legal structure and business regulation, information on the financial sector and unique best practice on all aspects of trading with and investing in Estonia. Estonia is regarded as one of Central and Eastern Europe's most successful transitional economies and emerging markets. The guide also provides an overview of key ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Эстонский|Estonian | Просмотров: 1917 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Doing Business with Lithuania By Jonathan Reuvid, Marat Terterov
Publisher: GMB Publishing 2005 | 327 Pages | ISBN: 1905050259 | PDF | 2.34

Originally published in the pre-EU-accession period, this edition of Doing Business with Lithuania has been updated to take account of the post-accession changes to the legal and fiscal environment. It remains a definitive appraisal of the economic system and investment climate, including an examination of the legal structure and business regulation, information on the financial sector and unique best practice on all aspects of trading with and investing in Lithuania. The guide also provides an overview of key sectors of trade and investment.

Категория: Литовский|Lithuanian | Просмотров: 2020 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Doing Business with Latvia By Marat Terterov, Jonathan Reuvid
GMB Publishing 2005 | 245 Pages | ISBN: 1905050240 | PDF | 1.5 MB

Originally published in the pre-EU-accession period, this edition of Doing Business with Latvia has been updated to take account of the post-accession changes to the legal and fiscal environment. It remains a definitive appraisal of the economic system and investment climate, including an examination of the legal structure and business regulation, information on the financial sector and unique best practice on all aspects of trading with and investing in Latvia. Latvia is considered one of the most successful transitional economies in the former Soviet Union. The guide also provides an overview of key sectors of trade and investment. ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Латышский|Latvian | Просмотров: 1937 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Author: M. Kashghari
Publisher: 民族出版社
Year: 2002
Files: 3
Format: PDF
Size: 26.7 MB
Languages: Turkic, Chinese



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Категория: Турецкий|Turkish | Просмотров: 1692 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Osmanlı Türkçesi Sözlüğü
Author: Mehmet Kanar
Publisher: Derin Yayınları - 2005
Format / Quality: Pdf
Size: 1,2 Mb

Sözlük hazırlanırken yukarıda anılan çalışmanın yayımlanmasından sonra kapsamlı bir kaynak taraması işlemi gerçekleştirilmiş, madde başları ve iç maddeler seçilirken öncelikli olarak üniversite öğrencilerinin en çok karşılaşacakları kelimeler ile kelime grupları dikkate alınmıştır.


Категория: Турецкий|Turkish | Просмотров: 1652 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Author: 谢大任
Publisher: 商务印书馆
Year: 1988
Pages: 601
Format: PDF
Size: 64.0 MB


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Категория: Китайский|Chinesei | Просмотров: 1588 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Authors: 北京第二外国语学院
Publisher: 北京出版社
Year: 1987
Pages: 567
Format: PDF
Size: 10.9 MB
Languages: English, Chinese


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Категория: Китайский|Chinesei | Просмотров: 1621 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Ann Cook, «American Accent Training - A Guide to Speaking and Pronouncing American English»

Barrons | ISBN: 0764114298 | 2000 | PDF | 242 pages | 2.2 MB
The second edition of the highly acclaimed American Accent Training, is for foreign-born students and business people working, traveling or studying in the United States and Canada.


Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 1623 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Ethiopia (Modern World Nations)
Chelsea House Publishers | 10/1/2002 | ISBN: 0791067807 | 128 pages | PDF | 7 Mb

Please, Download from link above to support me.

Категория: Африканский|African | Просмотров: 1637 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Colloquial Panjabi: The Complete Course for Beginners (Colloquial Series (Book Only)) By Mangat Bhardwaj
Publisher: Routledge 1995 | 308 Pages | ISBN: 0415101913 | PDF | 20 MB

Panjabi--the main language of Panjab, is also the most widely spoken language of Pakistan. Includes conversations based on common daily situations.Mangat Rai Bhardwaj The Panjabi script is one of the simplest and most consistent writing systems. This course uses a phonetic transcription to make the study of both Panjabi pronunciation and script as easy as possible. You will also learn why it is impossible to speak Panjabi while smoking a pipe!

Colloquial Panjabi is easy to use and completely claer. Specially written by experienced teachers for self-study or class use, the course ... Читать дальше »

Категория: Индийский|Indian | Просмотров: 1738 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Heather O Donoghue- Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Short Introduction / Древнескандинавская литература: Краткое введение
Wiley-Blackwell | 2004 | ISBN: 0631236252, 0631236260 | 256 pages | PDF | 1,64 MB

От рунических надписей до саг. Эта книга открывает перед читателем красочный мир древнескандинавской литературы. Охватывает как мифологию и семейные саги, так и менее известные области, такие как устное народное творчество, эддическая и скальдическая поэзия. Помогает читателям оценить язык и культуру первых поселенцев в Исландии. Рассматривает приемы древнескандинавской литературы по периодам, поскольку представления викингов менялись. Показывает, какое влияние оказал скандинавский эпос на различных авторов, от Шекспира до Симуса Хини.

Категория: Ирландский|Irish | Просмотров: 2017 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Tej Bhatia, “Colloquial Hindi: The Complete Course for Beginners (2 CDs)”
Routledge | 2008-01-30 | ISBN: 0415419565 | 1 Hour 46 Minutes | mp3 | 97,8 MB
Breaking new ground, both substantively and stylistically, the Handbook of the New Sexuality Studies offers students, academics and researchers an accessible, engaging introduction and overview of this emerging field. The central premise of the volume is to explore the social character of sexuality, the role of social differences such as race or nationality in creating sexual variation, and the ways sex is entangled in relations of power and inequality. Through this novel approach the field of sexuality is therefore considered, for the first time, in multicultural, global, and comparative terms and from a truly social ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Индийский|Indian | Просмотров: 1804 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Modern World Nations)
Chelsea House Publications | 1/1/2004 | ISBN: 0791079112 | 120 pages | PDF | 11 Mb
This book, part of the "Modern World Nations" series. Chapters cover geography, history, people and culture, government and politics, the economy, and possibilities for the future. The text is dense and presented in very long sentences and paragraphs, so even though the book is small and might appeal to younger readers, the narrative will probably work best for the older end of the age range. The book also includes several elements to help students doing research, including a list of pertinent facts, history highlights, a bibliography, suggestions for further reading and research, and a detailed index.
... Читать дальше »
Категория: Боснийский|Bosnian | Просмотров: 1915 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

101 American English Riddles : Understanding Language and Culture Through Humor
McGraw-Hill| 1996-02-09 | ISBN: 0844256064 | 144 pages | PDF | 4,2 MB
Humorous riddles with comic illustrations help ESL students gain new insights into American language and culture. Each riddle is accompanied by text that helps students grasp and master the underlying linguistic and cultural reasons why the joke is funny.

What a crappy scanning job!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you! :)

Категория: Английский|English | Просмотров: 1742 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Aprende Un Idioma En 7 Dias/ Learn a Language in 7 Days [Spanish] by Ramon Campayo
Publisher: Edaf S.A. 2006-05 | 389 Pages | ISBN: 8441418101 | PDF | 1 MB

No Mirror(s) Please !!!
Категория: Испанский|Spanish | Просмотров: 1776 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 20.04.2009 | Комментарии (0)