Главная » 2009 » Январь » 23 » Là a' Dèanamh Sgèil Do Là: Aonghas Padraig Caimbeul
Là a' Dèanamh Sgèil Do Là: Aonghas Padraig Caimbeul
Là a' Dèanamh Sgèil Do Là
Author: Aonghas Padraig Caimbeul
Year: 2004
Format: pdf+mp3 (1Leabhar+DVD)
Publisher: CLAR (Ur-Sgeul)
Size: 457mb
Language: Gàidhlig
Duration: 8h6m8s

"Even better than his seminal first novel, An Oidhche Mus Do Sheol Sinn"
John A. MacPherson, 2004

"The writing is beautiful and limpid... writing at the peak of his powers"
Meg Bateman, The Herald

Là a' Dèanamh Sgèil Do Là (Day Speaketh Unto Day) is about the language. Which means that it is about thought, expression and identity and, in the author’s words, control and power and freedom.

It is a novel, says Angus Peter, which begins in the Torrin/Elgol area of Skye in 2010, when an old man comes to the door carrying a bag of winkles on his shoulders. A young girl, aged about three, answers the door and he asks her — in English — Is your Mum or Dad in? She runs back in to her Mum and Dad and says — in Gaelic — there is an old man at the door and he is speaking English. The father goes to the door and says to the old man — in Gaelic — You don’t need to speak English here — there’s plenty Gaelic in this house.

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