Главная » 2009 » Январь » 9 » Conversational Spanish Grammar for the Hospitality Classroom: Matt A. Casado
Conversational Spanish Grammar for the Hospitality Classroom: Matt A. Casado
Conversational Spanish Grammar for the Hospitality Classroom
Author: Matt A. Casado
Publisher: Wiley
Publication date: 2006-09
ISBN: 0340904976
Number of pages: 256
Format / Quality: Pdf (scan)/good
Size: 809Kb zip
This easy-to-use guide shows how to combine technical vocabulary commonly used by Spanish-speaking workers with fundamental grammar principles to effectively converse in real-world situations that pertain to hotel and restaurant operations. Packed with valuable exercises and proven teaching tools, Conversational Spanish Grammar for the Hospitality Classroom is ideal preparation for a successful career in today's multicultural industry.

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