Главная » 2009 » Январь » 9 » Espana A Tu Alcance - Spanish Skills for Intermediate Students: Pet Furnborough
Espana A Tu Alcance - Spanish Skills for Intermediate Students: Pet Furnborough
Espana A Tu Alcance - Spanish Skills for Intermediate Students
Author: Pet Furnborough
Publisher: Routledge
Publication date: 1998-05
ISBN: 007139138X
Number of pages: 176
Format / Quality: Pdf
Size: 304Kb zip
Espana a tu Alcance takes a bright new approach to learning Spanish. Via a range of practical activities and exercises, this course provides readerss with a genuine insight into Spanish culture, and offers maximum flexibility through a selection of learning material. The activities offer intermediate-level students material for approximately 40 hours' learning. Central to Espana a tu Alcance are the unscripted recordings of interviews with real Spanish people from a variety of backgrounds and geographical areas which present a series of activities designed to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Espana a tu Alcance builds readers' confidence by means of carefully constructed exercises, which have been developed over months of piloting with Spanish students. Cultural awareness is enhanced through activities which focus on practical everyday situations, as well as authentically created pictures of present-day Spain as seen through the eyes of Spaniards themselves. Perfect for individual use, Espana a tu Alcance allows intermediate learners the flexibility to use the material in whatever manner is most useful.


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