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 Effortless English – Flow English:Intermediate Level LessonsPublisher: Effortless Language: English Format / Quality:PDF + MP3 Size: 988MB Quote:
What Is The Best Way To Speak Excellent English? Before you read more, I want you to choose the best way to speak excellent English: Study Grammar Rules Study Vocabulary Lists Read A Lot Of Difficult Articles Go to English School Learn Core English Deeply Practice Speaking Often Have Your Errors Corrected
OK, did you choose the best method?
Do you know the correct answer? Of course, you know its not "study grammar rules”.
No, the correct answer is, "Learn Core English Deeply”. That is the key to excellent speaking. What is "Core English?”
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English in Mind Level 1 Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROMAuthor: Alison Greenwood Publisher: Cambridge University Press Publication date: 2 edition (October 25, 2010) ISBN: 0521140358 Format / Quality: NRG Size: 287MB This
revised second edition updates a course which has proven to be a
perfect fit for classes the world over. This Testmaker Audio CD/CD-ROM
gives teachers the flexibility to create and edit their own tests. It is
extremely easy to use while also offers a range of functionality for
those who like to customize more. Teachers can choose from unit tests,
which can be combined in pairs, and end-of-year tests. There are also
options to test the same course content at both 'standard' and 'more
challenging' levels. The Testmaker can produce two versions of each test
to prevent students from sharing answers.
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English Matters November-December 2010Publication date: 2010 Number of pages: 40 Format / Quality: rar-->PDF + MP3 Size: 102MbMb Вы
узнаете много интересного и полезного об истории, географии, культурных
традициях и современной жизни Великобритании, США и других англоязычных
странах. "School English" расскажет о мировых достижениях науки и
техники, искусства и спорта, раскроет перед Вами удивительный мир
растений и животных, а также поможет полезными советами о том, как
сохранить и поддерживать здоровье. Любители современной западной
культуры найдут на страницах издания свежую информацию о звездах музыки и
NEWS EXAMINATION - Единый Государственный Экзамен UK - The Syatem of Education in Great Britain ACROSS BRITAIN - COME WITH US THE isle of Man CORRECT ENGLISH
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ECPE Practice Examinations Book 2 : SBPublisher: American Union Publication date: 2010 Number of pages: 223 Format / Quality: rar-->PDF Size: 75Mb ECPE
Book 2, Practice Examinations includes eight (8) complete practice
tests which accurately reflect the level of difficulty (C2 level),
content and format of the ECPE, providing a valuable resource for
Eight complete practice tests (Listening, Grammar, Cloze, Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension, Writing, and Speaking)
Vocabulary review activities after each test
АНГЛИЙСКИЕ НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ. Тренажер.Publisher: Ардис Publication date: 2010 Format / Quality: rar-->mp3, html Size: 226Mb / 22Mb Одна
из главных трудностей английской грамматики – огромное количество
неправильных глаголов. Они являются частой причиной ошибок и
затруднений, поскольку их формы нельзя образовать по правилам, их просто
нужно выучить наизусть. Данный аудиотренажёр будет полезен людям, которые не имеют времени для заучивания, но много времени проводят за рулем. Тренажёр
разбит на два раздела. В первом озвучены 100 наиболее употребительных
неправильных глаголов: приведены их три основные формы и перевод на
русский язык. Для закрепления и активации предлагается обратный перевод с
русского на английский. Для желающих совершенствовать свои знания во втором разделе представлен дополнительн
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Dora the Explorer: Lost and Found AdventureAuthor: Nova Development Corp Format / Quality: EXE Size: 38 MB Product Features
* Play to Learn: Master fundamental skills, such as colors, shapes, and numbers in a fun, interactive and engaging environment
* Explore and Learn: Children discover colorful and interesting places
with Dora's Explorer Stars and engage in fun activities along the way
* Developmental Categories: Language, Reading, Math, Counting,
Matching, Reasoning, Music, Basic Spanish, Self Esteem, and more *
Special Features: Includes 2 fun and engaging mini games--The Nutty
Forest and Super Swiper--to teach and entertain children * Dora is the No. 1 program on all commercial TV with kids ages 2-5, with the highest
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The Coaching Toolkit: A Practical Guide for Your School Author: Shaun Allison, Michael Harbour Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd Number Of Pages: 128 Publication Date: 2009-06-04 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1412945364 ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781412945363 Format: PDF Size: 1.2 mb Are you looking for practical advice on establishing a coaching program in your school?
This toolkit guides you through the process of setting up and running an effective coaching practice, using examples from a school that has actually done it successfully.
The book answers the following questions: - how do you choose your coaches? - how do you train them well? - how do you present coaching as good professional devel
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Success Intermediate: Student Book, Audio and CDROMAuthor: Parsons, J et al Publisher: Longman Publication date: 2007 ISBN: 1405851937 Format / Quality: PDF, MP3 Size: 406 MB All
students want to succeed and you want to create great lessons so that
they can do so. Both you and your students now have the opportunity to
make every lesson successful.
Your Students will enjoy every minute of their course, thanks to the inspiring and up-to-date topics and Culture Shocks will
be motivated and self-confident in their use of English with activities
that help students both understand (Work it Out) and internalise
grammar rules (Check it Out) and avoid common mistakes (Mind the Trap) will
become communicatively competent for the outside world and their future
careers with a syllabus that focuses on co
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The business trip (English dialog series for beginners)Format / Quality: rar-->mp3 Size: 118Mb The
Business Trip is an English dialog series with questions and answers
for beginning learners. It is about Mr. Tanaka, who travels to the
United States on a business trip. It contains 54 short episodes,
followed by a series of questions and answers.
The Business Trip consists of one PDF text file and three mp3 files: • Audio File #1: Dialog (23:09) – Just listen and enjoy. •
Audio File #2: Dialog with questions and answers (58:00) - First
listen to the dialog in each episode, then listen and repeat for the
questions and answers that follow. • Audio File #3: Dialog with
questions (48:31) – First listen to the dialog in each episode, then try
to answer the questions on your own.
Repaso General 3 (Speaking): AvanzadoAuthor: Vaughan Format / Quality: PDF, MP3 Size: 98 MB This is an English book for Spanish
On Grammar (Collected Works of M. a. K. Halliday)Author: M.A.K. Halliday Publisher: Continuum Publication date: December 5, 2005 ISBN: 0826488226 Number of pages: 448 Format / Quality: PDF Size: 13MB For
nearly half a century, Professor M. A. K. Halliday has been enriching
the discipline of linguistics with his keen insights into the social
semiotic phenomenon we call language. This ten-volume series presents
the seminal works of Professor Halliday. This first volume contains
seventeen papers, including a new chapter entitled 'A Personal
Perspective', in which Halliday offers his own
current perspective on language and linguistic theory. The first part
of the book presents early papers (1957-66) on basic concepts such as
system, str
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Repaso General 2 (Speaking): IntermedioAuthor: Vaughan Number of pages: 80 Format / Quality: PDF, MP3 Size: 96 MB This is a good book for practicing speaking English.
 Treasures: Grammar & Writing Handbook, Grade 5 + Teacher Edition with AnswersPublisher: Macmillan/McGrH Publication date: 2007 ISBN: 0021969442 Number of pages: 272+272 Format / Quality: pdf Size: 18.9mb Quote: This
reference tool provides second grade students with more practice and
support for grammar and writing. It includes additional practice with
grammar, usage, and mechanics, provides support for study skills,
vocabulary, and problem words. It also contains a troubleshooter section
for commonly made mistakes. The Teacher Edition contains the answers for the tasks in the Student Edition.
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Aprender inglés con PIPOFormat / Quality: EXE Size: 359 MB Aprende
Inglés con Pipo va dirigido principalmente a niños de entre 3 y 10
años, sin embargo más que de edad hay que hablar de conocimientos
previos de inglés, ya que este producto puede aprovecharse durante las
primeras etapas del aprendizaje del inglés, independientemente de la
edad del sujeto.
Las principales áreas que se trabajan son: el
vocabulario básico - hay más de 25 temas diferentes- las frases y
estructuras gramaticales en inglés, las expresiones más corrientes, las
partes del cuerpo, las horas, los colores… De la misma forma que se
aprende la lengua materna, con Aprende Inglés con Pipo, el niño no
necesita saber leer para aprender. Con Pipo estimularán la audición y se
acostumbrarán a una gran variedad
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 T. Szarfemberg - Czasy w Języku angielskim. Zasady Użycia i ćwiczeniaFormat: pdf File size: 54 MB Pages: 135 Quality: good (scanned) Language: Polish/English (for Polish speakers) Quote: T. Szarfemberg - Czasy w Języku angielskim. Zasady Użycia i ćwiczenia
książka służyć może zarówno osobom rozpoczynającym przygodę z językiem
angielskim, jak i tym, które w nauce języka angielskiego są
zaawansowane. Napisana została również z myślą o osobach
przygotowujących się do egzaminów maturalnych i wstępnych na studia
wyższe. Omawia ona zasady użycia czasów, przede wszystkim w brytyjskiej
angielszczyźnie, tradycyjnie najpopularniejszej odmianie języka
angielskiego w Polsce. Oprócz zasad użycia czasów w książce zamieszczono
szereg ćwi
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 Painless Grammar (Painless Series)Barron's Educational Series 2006 ISBN: 0764134361 224 pages PDF 1,9 MB This
very approachable text combines instruction in parts of speech and
sentence structure with down-to-earth examples, funny illustrations, and
examination of some of the more amusing and peculiar words in the
English language. A chapter on clear e-mail communication and etiquette
is brand new in this edition, as are many of the author’s challenging
"Brain Ticklers.” Her helpful chapter on how to edit a school paper has
also been heavily revised and updated.
Barron’s popular Painless
Series of study guides for middle school and high school students offer a
lighthearted, often humorous approach to their sub
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ESL-EFL Grammar (SparkCharts) Spark Publishing 1990 ISBN: 1411400607 4 pages PDF 6,9 MB DOWNLOAD
English Together: Starter Book (with Audio)Author:
Carol Skinner Publisher: Longman ISBN: 058207844X Number of
pages: 68 Format / Quality: pdf, mp3 Size: 44MB * Language selection is based on what is useful and natural
* Constant revision help consolidate learning * Each level is
story-based to provide an exciting context for learning About the
Author Carol Skinner has extensive experience in TEFL. She has taught
English in many countries around the world. After completing her RSA diploma and teaching in England,
Carol went to Greece, where she
starter her career working as a teacher
trainer and then as a Field Editor for Longman. Carol is a now a
full-time author for Longman. Her public
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Writing in English: a Practical Handbook for
Scientific and Technical WritersAuthor: Zuzana Svobodova,
Heidrun Katzorke, Ursula Jaekel, Stefania Dugovicova, Mike Scoggin,
Peter Treacher Publisher: European Commission Leonardo da Vinci
programme Publication date: 2000 Number of pages: 74 Format /
Quality: pdf Size: 2MB Writing in English: a
Practical Handbook for Scientific and Technical WritersThis handbook
has been designed to be a reference book and guide for researchers who
have to write up their scientific work in English and who may need help
to compose and write more clearly and accurately in the language.
GrammarWork 1: English Exercises in ContextAuthor:
Pamela Peterson Breyer Publisher: Prentice Hall Publication date:
1995-03-27 ISBN: 013340241X Number of pages: 147 Format /
Quality: pdf Size: 16.2MB This series of
four grammar exercise books features structures and vocabulary tied to
real and meaningful contexts to help students learn more rapidly and
efficiently. -- Instead of abstract theory and examples, students get
practice, practice, practice -- organized into themes that make it easy
to learn and remember the concepts presented. -- Can be used for
individual or classroom practice, follow-up, review, or homework. --
Answer keys are included in the back of each book.