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A Grammar of Misantla Totonac: Studies in Indigenous Languages of the Americas
Author: Carolyn Mackay
Publisher: University of Utah Press
Publication date: 1999
ISBN: 0-874-80455-8
Number of pages: 459
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 3.9MB
The Totonac-Tepehua language family, though typologically similar to some other Mesoamerican languages, has not yet been demonstrated to be related to any other language family. Misantla Totonac is the southernmost variety of Totonac and is spoken in the area between Xalapa, the capital of Veracruz, Mexico and Misantla, Veracruz. In 1974, a newly paved road connected Xalapa and Misantla bringing a relatively isolated area into contact with mainstream Mexican language and culture. Consequently, Misantla Totonac is no longer acquired as a first language by the local children and is rapidly being ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 2033 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Sanskrtska početnica
Author: Adolf Friedrich Stenzler
Publisher: Nebo na Zemlji d.o.o.o, Zagreb
Publication date: 1997
ISBN: 953-6427-08-7
Number of pages: 137
Format / Quality: PDF/Readable (not OCRed)
Size: 4.8 MB
Stenzlerov davno prokušani priručnik po drugi je put povjeren novom prerađivaču. Nužnima mi su se ukazale mnoge zamašne izmjene, pored onih koje su proizašle iz dugogodišnje učiteljske djelatnosti. No sve želje koje su se pokazale u novom izdanju nisu se mogle ispuniti. Da sam, kao što se često predlagalo, umetnuo i vedski sanskrt i poredbenu gramatiku, opseg i karakter priručnika u potpunosti bi se izmijenili. Stoga sam ostao vjeran prvobitnome Stenzlerovu planu. Gramatika je u potpunosti ostala deskriptivna i oslanja s ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1937 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Salish etymological dictionary
Author: Aert H. Kuipers
Publisher: Linguistics Laboratory, University of Montana
Publication date: 2002
ISBN: 1-879-76316-8
Number of pages: 240
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 10MB
A classic etymological dictionary in the style of Pokorny's Indogermanisches etymologisches Wörterbuch, resting on a fully worked out theory of comparative Salish phonology and providing a reconstruction for each etymology.
The Introduction (1-11) presents a classification of the Salish languages — basically that of Swadesh (UAL 16:157-67, 1950) — and an outline of the PS sound system, with correspondences, following K.'s previously outlined scheme (UAL 47:323-35, 1981). Dictionary entries are divided into reconstructed roots (12-202) and lexical suffixes (203-14), each section subdivided into elements that can be reconst ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 2015 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Old Church Slavonic: An Elementary Grammar
Author: S. C. Gardiner
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication date: 1984
ISBN: 0-521-23674-6
Number of pages: 192
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 4.2MB
Old Church Slavonic, the language of the religious texts translated by Saints Cyril and Methodius for the use of the Slavonic-speaking people of Central Europe in the early Middle Ages, later to become the literary language of medieval Russia and other East European countries, is a basic component of Modern Standard Russian. This is an elementary grammar of the language for readers of English. No previous knowledge of a Slavonic language or of philology or linguistics is assumed, and the essential points are explained with the minimum of technical terms. After a brief historical introduction, the sound system and its representation by t ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1921 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

An Introduction to Old Frisian: History, Grammar, Reader, Glossary
Author: H. Rolf, Jr. Bremmer
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Publication date: 2009
ISBN: 9-027-23255-5
Number of pages: 249
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 2.5MB
The aim of this book is given in the title: it claims to be an introduction to Old Frisian. The need for such a book has long been due, especially one that is written in English since the last introduction to Old Frisian in that language appeared in the late nineteenth century. It is true, Thomas Markey's Frisian (1981), a general survey of the language with much attention for the medieval period, is still available, but it lacks, for example, texts and a glossary. All other introductory books on Old Frisian are in German. Bo Sjölin's concise survey Einführung in das Friesische ( ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1973 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Guajajara/Parintintin Issues (Hierarchical Structures in Guajajara, A Phonemic Analysis, Tupi Studies I, Dicionário Parintintin-Portugues/Portugues Parintintin, Parintintin Grammar)
Author: Various
Publisher: SIL - Brasil
Publication date: 1972
ISBN: xxxxxx
Number of pages: 578

Format / Quality: pdf- zipped
Size: 3,87
Indigenous languages of Brazil. Grammar, dictionary, phonological aspects

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Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1894 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Etymological Vocabulary of the Shughni Group
Author: Georg Morgenstierne
Publisher: Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag
Publication date: 1974
Number of pages: 119

Format / Quality: djvu
Size: 4.8 Mb
Quote from introduction:

In this Etymological Vocabulary of the Shughni Group (i.e. Shughni, Bajui, Khufi, Roshani, Bartangi, Oroshori, and Sarikoli) has been included also Yazghulami, which is, in its vocabulary, so closely related to the ShGr., as well as the little which has been recorded from the now extinct Wanji, north of Yazghulami. I have also, as far as possible, referred to words from Badakhshan Tajiki dialects, when suspect of being of ShGr. origin.
My intention has been to give all words recorded in sources available to me, which I have not been able to trace to Tajiki, Turki, Russian or recent ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 2017 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 01.11.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Blind Owl (Bilingual - Educational)
Author: Sadegh Hedayat
Publisher: various
Publication date: various
Number of pages: 130 and 36
Format / Quality: RAR'd pdfs
Size: 35 MB
"In life there are certain sores that, like a canker, gnaw at the soul in solitude and diminish it..."

These are the opening lines of the most celebrated novel in Iranian literature, the Blind Owl. Oneiric, Kafkaesque, surreal...you name it. It's stunningly beautiful in its lyricism and equally disturbing in its misogyny.

I found a great edition of the English and a mediocre one in Persian. I'm not familiar with the details of the textual history of the novel, but note that occasionally (for instance, at the very end!) there are whole paragraphs in Persian which are not present in English. If someone can find a more adequate or aesthetica ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1556 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 31.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Morphology and Semantics of the Tanaina Verb
Author: J. M. Tenenbaum
Publisher: Columbia
Publication date: 1978
Number of pages: 264
Format / Quality: Rar'd Pdf
Size: 6 MB

Tanaina aka Dena'ina is another Athabascan language which interests me a lot. It's spoken in the Kenai peninsula of Alaska, with two major dialects. Unfortunately, it is moribund, with less than a 100 speakers. But that's ok, I always throw my lot in with the downtrodden.

This is the only dissertation about the language, to my knowledge.

I've worked so far with the writings of Peter Kalifornsky, but I don't have any other works by the linguist James Kari, who is the most important specialist. If anyone has more, please post, especially the dictionary or Dena'ina Sukdu'a, also by Tenenbaum.

The lady above is Fedosia Sacaloff. ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1457 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 31.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Basque-English dictionary
Author: Mikel Morris

The author and compiler of this dictionary is Mikel Morris, the result of 20 years of work. The structure of the on-line dictionary was designed by Eleka ingeniaritza linguistikoa.

Content The dictionary that we have put on-line is the Morris Student Plus Dictionary, the most complete and modern English-Basque Basque-English dictionary to date. It has been updated and follows the latest recommendations of the Royal Academy of the Basque Language, Euskaltzaindia.

The dictionary contains:

*67,000 headwords
*120,000 expressions and idioms


Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1566 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 31.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Eszperantó nyelvkönyv
Author: Baghy Gyula
Publisher: Tankönyvkiadó
Date: 1968
Pages: 200
Format: djvu
Size: 7,75 MB
Target language: Eszperantó / Esperanto
Source languages: Magyar / Hungarian

Questo libro é un manuale di lingua d'esperanto per studenti privati e per corsi d'esperanto. Cioé si puó usare anche da solo. Il libro (cosí anche le spiegazioni) é in ungherese.
Eszperantó nyelvkönyv tanfolyamok és magántanulók számára.


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Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1437 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 29.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)

A Grammar of Cavineña
Author: Antoine Guillaume
Publisher: Mouton de Gruyter
Publication date: 2008
Number of pages: 937

Format / Quality: PDF - Excellent
Size: 3.51 Mb

This book is a comprehensive grammatical description of the endangered Cavineña language (less than 1,200 speakers), spoken in the Amazonian rainforest of Lowland Bolivia, an area where the indigenous languages are virtually unknown.

Cavineña belongs to the Tacanan family, comprising five languages, none of which has been the subject of an adequate descriptive grammar.

The book is a thoroughly revised version of my doctoral dissertation (Guillaume 2004).


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Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1521 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 29.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Orkhon Runic Inscriptions Glossary - Orhun Runik Daşyazitlari Söz Dağarciği -
اورخون رونيك داش يازيتلار
سؤز داغارجيغ

Author: Talat Tekin
Publisher: Indiana University Press
Publication date: 1958
Number of pages: 106
Format / Quality: Pdf
Size: 1,4 Mb
The order of the characters is as follows:
a, b, ç, ə, e, ı, i, q, k, l, m, n, o, ö, p, s, ş, t, u, ü, y

Special characters are:
Ç, ç: represents the 'ch' sound
Î, î, Â, â: circumflex vowels represent a long vowel.
Ş, ş: is a hachecked 's', or the 'sh' sound.
Ŋ, ŋ: (the 'ng' sound from 'ring')
Ñ, ñ: which is the letter n with an acute accent.

AB: chase, hunt
a. abla- < location>

ABLA-: to chase, ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1560 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 29.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Языки мира. Германские языки. Кельтские языки
Publisher: Academia
Publication date: 2000
ISBN: 5-87444-101-8
Size: 1MB

Очерки по кельтским языкам.


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Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1832 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 28.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)

Introducing Maltese Linguistics
Author: Bernard Comrie et al. (editors)
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Publication date: 2009
Number of pages: 439

Format / Quality: PDF - Excellent
Size: 4.43 Mb

This collection of articles documents the majority of the contributions to the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics which took place in Bremen from
18–20 October, 2007. On this occasion, more than 50 scholars from twelve countries in Europe, Asia and the Americas exchanged their ideas on problems connected
with Maltese.


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Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1473 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 28.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)

MI VOZ, NUESTRA HISTORIA. CATEGORÍA INFANTIL (los textos bilingües: Aymara, Mapuche, Rapa Nuí/Español)
Publication date: 2005
Number of pages: 61
Format / Quality: PDF; la cualidad es excelente
Size: 1,5 Mb
Los textos bilingües: Aymara, Mapuche, Rapa Nuí/Español.

Password: uztranslations

Remarks: Mirrors are welcome!


Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1520 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 28.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Farsi (Persian) Comprehensive
Date: 2005
Format: Booklets DOC, MP3 (~50kbps 22kHz stereo)
Size: 384 Mb (incl. +5% recovery)
Total playing time: ~16h (30 units in 16 CDs)
Language: English, Farsi
Farsi (Persian) Comprehensive audiocourse in 30 units 30 minutes each.
No need to read anything, just listen and repeat!

Depositfiles and Rapidshare parts are interchangeable!
Части с Depositfiles и Rapidshare взаимозаменяемы!

Part 1
Part 2
... Читать дальше »

Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1470 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 21.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)


Polytechnical dictionary - English-Persian
Author: Argani, A
Publisher: Tihran : Amir Kabir Publications Organization
Publication date: hijri 1364/1985
Number of pages: 640
Format / Quality: Pdf/DjVu
Size: 44 Mb/29,8 Mb
Language: English-Persian


Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1378 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 19.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)


A grammar of the Persian language
Author: Sir William Jones
Publisher: London : Printed for J. Murray [etc.]
Publication date: 1801
Number of pages: 218
Format / Quality: Pdf/DjVu
Size: 12 Mb / 7,8 Mb
Language: English-Persian


Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1508 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 19.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)


The student's Persian and English dictionary, pronouncing, etymological,& explanatory
Author: Sarabshaw Byramji Doctor
Publisher: Surat: Presbyterian Mission Press
Publication date: 1880
Number of pages: 571
Format / Quality: Pdf/DjVu
Size: 12 Mb/14 Mb



Категория: Прочие языки мира|Other | Просмотров: 1436 | Добавил: tatarinx | Дата: 19.10.2009 | Комментарии (0)