The recipient
construction in NaxiAuthor:
Jung-yao Lu Publisher: University of Hawai'i Publication date:
2005 Number of pages: 140 Format / Quality: PDF - High Size:
4.0 Mb Contains a grammatical sketch of
This thesis focuses on describing the
recipient construction of Naxi, a minority language spoken in the Naxi autonomous county in the
northwestern Yunnan province of China. The Naxi language belongs to the
Yi language branch of the Tibeto-Burman language family. It has been a
matter of great importance to document Naxi in its entirety because it is seriously endangered.
basic grammar is introduced in Chapt
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Н.Я.Булатова. Язык сахалинских эвенков Формат: pdf Размер: 8Mb Год: 1999 СКАЧАТЬ
CDエクスプレスペルシア語 (the book only)Author: 藤元優子著 Publisher: 白水社 Publication date: 2003 ISBN: 4-560-00596-6 Number of pages: 172 Language: Japanese Format / Quality: PDF Size: 2.8MB ベストセラーの入門シリーズ「エクスプレス」にCDが付いた。速く着実に「読み・書き・話す」基礎がマスターできると大好評。
Temps Et Aspect En égyptien: Une Approche SémantiqueAuthor: Jean Winand Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers Publication date: 2006 ISBN: 9-004-15216-4 Number of pages: 484 Language: French Format / Quality: PDF Size: 1.5MB This
volume deals with the complex question of time and aspect in ancient
Egyptian. The first part presents an original theoretical model which
challenges some well-established facts in general linguistics. The
functioning of aspect is explained as a dialectic process between the
grammatical tenses, the actionality of events, the semantic roles of
the participants, and diverse lexical means. The second part examines
the expression of aspect in ancient Egyptian, with a diachronic
presentation from the beginning down to Late Egyptian. The third and
last part is devoted to the study of the tempor
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Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction Author: Antonio Loprieno Publisher: Cambridge University Press Publication date: 1995 ISBN: 0-521-44384-9 Number of pages: 322
Format / Quality: PDF/Medium Size: 16MB
This book is neither a grammar of Ancient Egyptian for Egyptologists nor a handbook for the study of hieroglyphs. Rather, it has been written aiming at the needs of a multiplicity of audiences. To use a fashionable word, I wanted to address the interdisciplinary interests of linguists and Egyptologists. In order to achieve this result, I had to resort to sometimes quite diverse methodological frames and scholarly conventions, which have been and are at best indifferent to each other, and at times even in overt conflict. On the one hand, the main goal of the book is to provide the linguistic audience with an introduct
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Краткая грамматика хеттского языкаAuthor: И. Фридрих Publisher: Издательство иностранной литературы Publication date: 1952 Number of pages: 200 Format / Quality: PDF/Low Size: 9.3MB
Труд видного немецкого хеттолога Иоганнеса Фридриха представляет собой описательную грамматику хеттского языка. В нем дается детальное описание грамматического строя хеттского языка в том виде, в каком он засвидетельствован письменными памятниками II тысячелетия до н. э. `Грамматика хеттского языка` И. Фридриха, составленная на основе богатого фактического материала, явится полезным пособием для изучающих хеттский язык, историю древнего Востока, а также для языковедов, интересующихся вопросамисравнительной грамматики индоевропейских языков, разработка которых в настоящее время немыслима без учета хеттских материалов.
Grammar of Yessan-MayoAuthor: Velma Foreman Publisher: SIL - Pacific Asian Series Publication date: 1974 ISBN: xxxxxxxx Number of pages: 297 Format / Quality: pdf-zipped Size: 2,22MB A Language of Papua New Guinea
 Basque grammar sketchAuthor: Gorka Aulestia Publisher: Unversity of Nevada Press Publication date: 1989 Number of pages: 83 Format / Quality: PDF/Excellent Size: 2.3 MB Grammar
sketch of Basque taken from Aulestia's Basque-English dictionary.
Contains very useful verbal conjugation tables at the end.
 Исследование по старотюркскому синтаксисуAuthor: Абдурахманов Г.А. Publisher: М.,"Наука" Publication date: 1967 Number of pages: 213 Format / Quality: Pdf Size: 16,3 Mb Language:Russian 
A Grammar of the Pukhto, Pushto or Language of the AfghansAuthor: H.G. Raverty Publisher: Williams and Norgate Publication date: 1857 Number of pages: 268 Format / Quality: djvu Size: 10 MB If
you are interested in Afghanistan, you will have encountered Major
Raverty, in part because his dictionary has not been superseded in
English (I think it's available on this site).
For some reason,
it seems that the grammar has not been posted here. In recent years,
it's been reprinted a lot (I wonder why?), but in bastardized editions,
without the copious poetry examples which illustrate the grammatical
The man on the image is not Raverty, but rather Khushal
Khan Khattak, a poet and warrior especially revered by Pashtuns. Maybe
I will post his poetry as well in days to come.
The Circum-Baltic Languages - Typology and ContactAuthor: Dahl and Koptjevskaja-Tamm (eds.) Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing Company Publication date: 2001 Number of pages: 406 Format / Quality: PDF - Excellent Size: 1.81 Mb The
first of the two volumes — Circum-Baltic Languages: Volume 1 — Past and
Present—surveys important sub-groups in the present-day Circum-Baltic
languages, placing them in their geographical, historical and societal setting and discussing specific contact situations.
second volume — Circum-Baltic Languages: Volume 2—Grammar and
typology—focuses on grammatical phenomena in the Circum-Baltic
languages, relating them to the larger typological perspective. Each of
the volumes contains three sections.
Uebersetzungen persischer Poesie (Zweisprachig)Author: F. Rueckert Publisher: Harrassowitz Publication date: various Number of pages: 70 Format / Quality: pdf Size: 8 MB Here is a lovely little book of Persian poetry!
Rueckert was a German scholar who worked with some 40 languages. He was
also a poet, and his translations from Persian specifically rank among
the best in German. The only person to surpass him in that respect was
Annemarie Schimmel, who greatly admired him and wrote the foreword for
this edition.
In German and Persian. The Persian is just standard naskh, when a nicer font or calligraphy would have been more appropriate.
An Introduction to the Comparative Grammar of the Semitic LanguagesAuthor: Sabatino Moscati, Anton Spitaler, Edward Ullendorff, Wolfram von Soden Publisher: Otto Harrassowitz Publication date: 1980 Number of pages: 193 Format / Quality: DjVu Size: 1.3MB The
nature of this book and the principles which guided its composition
depend in the first place on the series to which it belongs. It is thus
an elementary introduction to the comparative grammar of the Semitic
languages, intended primarily as a textbook and limited in its scope so
as to serve for a beginners' course. Such an introduction must be clear
in expression while respecting scientific terminology; it must
concentrate upon the essential facts while mentioning various
particular questions of special importance; it must avoid doubtful and
disputed hypotheses while indicating certa
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Samojedischer Wortschatz: Gemeinsamojedische EtymologienAuthor: Juha Janhunen Publisher: Suomalais-ugrilainen seura Publication date: 1977 ISBN: 9-514-51161-1 Number of pages: 185 Language: German Format / Quality: PDF Size: 2.3MB Das
gemeinsamojedische Teil des "Samojedischen Wortschatzes" enthält eine
Liste derjenigen aus den wesentlichsten heute verfügbaren Quellen
erschliessbaren ursamojedischen Wortstämme, die mindestens aus je einer
nord- und südsamojedischen Sprache belegt sind. Da das Verzeichnis in
erster Linie für eine lautgeschichtliche Betrachtung der samojedischen
Sprachen zusammengestellt worden ist, wird auf Literaturhinweise zur
früheren Behandlung einzelner Etymologien verzichtet: die kritische
Sichtung der samojedologischen wortgeschichtlichen Literatur wäre ein
anderes, unabhängiges Unternehmen. Es ist jedoc
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