Главная » 2009 » Сентябрь » 29 » Marlon Lodge - Rapid German (book only)
Marlon Lodge - Rapid German (book only)
Marlon Lodge - Rapid German (book only)
Publisher: Earworms Publishing Ltd. | 2007-09 | ISBN: 190544303X | PDF | 20 pages | 1.04 MB

Earworms is a new type of accelerated learning technique that takes the hard work out of learning. By listening to these specially composed melodies, with their rhythmic repetitions of the foreign phrase and English translation just a few times, users can pick up over 200 essential words and phrases that will not just be on the tip of the tongue, but firmly entrenched into the long- term memory. Volume 1 is a survival kit of essential words and phrases to help on a trip abroad.

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Категория: Немецкий|German | Просмотров: 1375 | Добавил: tatarinx | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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