English-Latvian And Lativian-English DictionaryAuthor: Ozozejs
Orvels Publisher: Zvaigzne ABC, SIA Publication date: 2002 ISBN:
9984-17-962-1 Number of pages: 464 Format / Quality:
PDF-zipped(Scanned-Excellent Quality) Size:
English-Latvian And Lativian-English
 Title: Introduction to Modern Lithuanian/Beginner's Lithuanian [Audio only]
Author: Leonardas Dambriunas, William R. Schmalstieg, Antanas
Klimas Publication date: 1998 Publisher: Hippocrene Books Format:
zip---->mp3 Size: 78MB
Цитата: A perfect introduction to the Lithuanian
language, this book is a comprehensive learning guide and teaching tool. 40
lessons, Complete grammar sections, Review lessons, Comprehensive vocabulary
 Beginner's LithuanianAuthor: Dambriunas, Klimas,
Schmalstieg Publication date: 1966 Number of pages: 471 Format /
Quality: RAR/PDF Size: 16 MB
A perfect introduction to the Lithuanian language, this
book is a comprehensive learning guide and teaching tool. 40 lessons, Complete
grammar sections, Review lessons, Comprehensive vocabulary lists. Audio has
earlier been uploaded by Lintuu