Главная » 2009 » Февраль » 25 » Kazakh Language Made Easy - Казахский Язык Просто о Невероятно Сложном: Iraida Kubaeva
Kazakh Language Made Easy - Казахский Язык Просто о Невероятно Сложном: Iraida Kubaeva
Kazakh Language Made Easy - Казахский Язык Просто о Невероятно Сложном
Author: Iraida Kubaeva
Publication date: 2003
ISBN: 9965-503-48-6
Number of pages: 454
Format / Quality: pdf-zipped-very good quality
Size: 102MB
Mastering a language gives a chance to learn practical habits and skills for a learner – to read, speak, write, understand the speech of his

This book is composed of 15 lessons. All the lessons are presented by the following pattern:
- Grammar
- New words
- Examples and exercises
- Words with various definitions
- Proverbs
- Sayings, traditions and customs
- Historical information
- Grammatical material
- Word games

The texts, words, exercises have been selected to build concrete language skills step by step.

Lesson 15 contains exercises and texts for supplementary reading and for translation.

Each lesson will take approximately 6-8 hours to complete.

The selection of this book was chosen to help foreigners deal with the demands of every life in Kazakhstan.

This book is recommended for all students who want to learn the Kazakh language.

The given material solves the non-professional communicative everyday demands of learners.

Категория: Казахский|Kazakh | Просмотров: 3405 | Добавил: tatarinx | Рейтинг: 1.0/1
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