Главная » 2009 » Февраль » 6 » The Verbal Tonology of Lunyala and Lumarachi: Michael R. Marlo
The Verbal Tonology of Lunyala and Lumarachi: Michael R. Marlo
The Verbal Tonology of Lunyala and Lumarachi
Author: Michael R. Marlo
Publisher: University of Michigan
Publication date: 2007
Number of pages: 597
Format / Quality: pdf-zipped-excellent quality
Size: 1,92MB
This dissertation is a study of the verbal tone patterns Lumarachi and Lunyala— two previously undescribed dialects of Luluyia, a Bantu language of western Kenya and eastern Uganda. On the basis of data collected by the author primarily during field research, it describes and analyzes the many tonal alternations that are triggered in each dialect by tense-aspect distinctions, as well as the tonal alternations that are triggered by
one or two object prefixes, by the lexical distinction between /H/ and /Ø/ roots (in Lumarachi), by the presence of the causative and passive suffixes, and by the presence of a word following the verb. It therefore documents the rich interaction at the phonologymorphology interface between principles governing the realization of tone in these two
dialects, while providing fundamental linguistic description of two undescribed dialects of
a underdescribed language and contributing generally to the study of Bantu tonology and phonology.


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