Главная » 2011 » Сентябрь » 12 » Visual Vocabulary Resources (Grade 4)
Visual Vocabulary Resources (Grade 4)
Visual Vocabulary Resources (Grade 4)
Publisher: McGrawHill
Format / Quality: PDF
Size: 28MB
The Visual Vocabulary Resources book provides teachers photo-word cards that visually introduce specific vocabulary. The photos are intended to preteach vocabulary to English learners and Approaching Level students in grade 4, as well as offer additional, meaningful language and concept support to these students.

The photo-word cards support three categories of vocabulary:
1. Key Vocabulary: These are the Key Words which are introduced to the entire class. Students of all levels of language acquisition are taught these words.
2. Function Words and Phrases: These are idioms, adverbs, two-word verbs, and other words and phrases of particular use to English learners.
3. Basic Words: These words have been chosen to fit a specific thematic category that will help EL learners increase their depth of vocabulary.

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