Главная » 2011 » Сентябрь » 14 » Dictionary of the Language of Rennell and Bellona: Samuel H. Elbert, Rolf Kuschel & Toomasi Taupongi
Dictionary of the Language of Rennell and Bellona: Samuel H. Elbert, Rolf Kuschel & Toomasi Taupongi
Dictionary of the Language of Rennell and Bellona
Author: Samuel H. Elbert, Rolf Kuschel & Toomasi Taupongi 
Publication date: 1975
ISBN: 8748043158,8748000493
Format / Quality: PDF x 2
Size: 47MB
The people on the islands of Rennell and Bellona in the Solomon Islands speak a Polynesian language perhaps most closely related to Samoan, East Uvean, Futunan, and Tikopian, but containing many non-Polynesian words. The Rennellese and Bellonese dialects comprise a single language spoken by about 2,400 people.

Approximately 16,000 words are defined in this Dictionary, including proper names, compoundsderivatives, common sequences of bases, and Bellonese variants.


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