Главная » 2010 » Январь » 9 » Chamorro Reference Grammar (Micronesia): University of Hawaii Press (June 1973)
Chamorro Reference Grammar (Micronesia): University of Hawaii Press (June 1973)


Chamorro Reference Grammar (Micronesia)
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press (June 1973)
Size: 65 MB
Language: English
Chamorro Reference Grammar is a detailed description of the grammatical structure of the indigenous language of the Mariana Islands. It is designed primarily as a reference work which will serve to give native speakers some insight into the complexities of their language, and to encourage its use at a time when other languages are more prestigious. The book contains an introduction to Chamorro, and its developmental history and dialectal variations, and, with a minimum of technical linguistic terms, it treats phonology, morphology, and syntax. Notes to linguists and a glossary of linguistic terms are included.

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Remarks: Chamorro is the indigenous language of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.

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