Главная » 2009 » Декабрь » 9 » Ready for CAE _New Edition 2008, C1 Advanced (Book, Workbook, 3 CDs): Roy Norris with Amanda French
Ready for CAE _New Edition 2008, C1 Advanced (Book, Workbook, 3 CDs): Roy Norris with Amanda French
Автор: Roy Norris with Amanda French
Издательство: Macmillan ELT (March 31, 2008)
Revised and updated for the new exam, the new edition of Ready for CAE gives in-depth exam training to prepare students for the Cambridge
Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) exam.
This book includes:
- Updated and revised to include the  changes in the Cambridge ESOL CAE exam 
- 14 motivating topic-based units 
- Review sections at the end of each unit with exam-style tasks
- 'Ready for' units give detailed information and training on each paper in the CAE exam 
- Language Focus sections encourage analysis of main grammar areas at advanced level
- Extensive Ready for Writing section provides comprehensive support for writing tasks 
- Plenty of speaking practice throughout 
- Topic-based wordlist 
- Complete grammar reference section 
- Listening scripts 
- Workbook contains:
- Extra reading texts
- Extra grammar practice
- Extra vocabulary to expand what is already in the Student's Book
- Extra writing practice
Class CDs have:
- CD1( Units 1-9)
- CD2( Units 10-14)
- CD3( Progress tests and final test)

1) DOWNLOAD original version
Book (PDF, 108 MB in 2 RAR parts)

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