Главная » 2009 » Март » 16 » Japanese Bankers in the City of London: Language, Culture and Identity in the Japanese Diaspora (Memory and Narrative)
Japanese Bankers in the City of London: Language, Culture and Identity in the Japanese Diaspora (Memory and Narrative)
Japanese Bankers in the City of London: Language, Culture and Identity in the Japanese Diaspora (Memory and Narrative)
By Junko Sakai

Publisher Routledge | ISBN: 0415196019 | edition 1999 | PDF | 304 pages | 1,12 Mb
While past studies of Japanese multinational companies in the West have typically assumed stereotyped differences in management systems and work cultures, Japanese Bankers in the City of London focuses on the real experiences of workers in Japanese transnational finance companies and, beyond this, offers fresh insights into the newly emerging multicultural work experiences worldwide. Through 100 transcribed interviews, Junko Sakai reveals the transnational working experience in the context of individuals' global movements between East and West and explores how the ideals and interactions of ethnicity and culture really affect their lives.
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