Главная » 2009 » Январь » 9 » Michel Thomas Spanish Language Builder (Michel Thomas Series)
Michel Thomas Spanish Language Builder (Michel Thomas Series)
Michel Thomas Spanish Language Builder (Michel Thomas Series)
Author: Michel Thomas
Publisher: Hodder Arnold
ISBN: 0340789719
Date: unknown
Format: mp3
Product Description
Michel Thomas took the language-learning world by storm.
With no books, no memorising and no homework, Michel teaches the basic grammar of the language painlessly. Using the method he perfected over 50 years, he shares his secret with the world - and 'makes it simple' (Sunday Times). In only a matter of hours, he gives you a comprehensive grasp of the structure of the language, enabling you to communicate with confidence. The present, future, conditional and past tenses are covered, and you are taught to think about the ideas that you are trying to communicate, rather than to translate words slavishly. He points out the similarities of the vocabulary in English and Spanish and gives you the tools to guess the words you do not know, or think you do not know.
In the 'Language Builders' Michel consolidates and expands your knowledge of structures and vocabulary in a one-on-one lecture session with you at home.

(Right-click and open a new window)
cd 1-1
cd 1-2
cd 2-1
cd 2-2

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